
Summit of the Future No 2: A Pact for the Future

As pointed out by the UN Secretary-General Antònio Guterres, on 4 October 2023, world leaders have been talking to him about “our multilateral institutions are not delivering” and that there was criticism about a “mismatch between the institutions of global governance, and the economic and political realities of our world.” 


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Summit of the Future No 1: The enabling resolution – what does it say…

The enabling resolution A/RES/76/307, adopted in September 2022, established the modalities for the Summit of the Future (SOTF). 

Recalling the commemoration of the 75th UN anniversary; their pledge to strengthen global governance; their welcoming of the UN Secretary-General’s report entitled “Our Common Agenda” while reaffirming the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (70/1) and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (69/313), Member States adopted the resolution including the following:

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Summit of the Future (SOTF)

Following the SDG Summit in September this year, the Summit of the Future (SOTF) will take place in 2024, with negotiations beginning this December.

The Commonwealth Medical Trust (Commat) will follow the process as it moves forward, with a series of briefings, the first being this week. 

As your organization may have already been made aware, the cofacilitators, the Ambassadors of Germany and Namibia, will be holding a virtual consultation on 13 December 2023 from 10 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm (as needed) New York time. 

Preparatory Process for the Summit of the Future

Registration Form: Pact for the Future: Virtual Consultation Registration


Registration for the CSO Consultation for the UNECE Regional Conference on ICPD30

To participate in the one-day UNECE region CSO Consultation on Population and Development: Ensuring Rights and Choices on Wednesday 18 October 2023, for participants from organizations in consultative status, please complete both this Consultation registration form and the Indico registration form on the UNECE website if you have not already done so, whether or not you are attending the UNECE Conference, using this link. The UNECE registration is required for access to UN buildings at the Palais des Nations. 

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Draft Programme: CSO Consultation on Population and Development: Ensuring Rights and Choices

CSO Consultation on Population and Development: Ensuring Rights and Choices
in preparation for the UNECE Regional Conference on ICPD30
Geneva, 18 October 2023

Draft  programme

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CSO consultation on Population and Development: Ensuring Rights and Choices

A one-day CSO Consultation on Population and Development: Ensuring Rights and Choices will be held at the Palais des Nations, 14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland on Wednesday 18 October 2023 from 08.00 – 18.00. It will precede the UNECE Regional Conference on ICPD30, to be held on 19 and 20 October also at the Palais des Nations, and will provide an opportunity for CSO input into the process.

Organizations wishing to participate are invited to register here. Self-funded participants can register until 6 October 2023.  

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Leading to ICPD30: CSO briefing on ICPD30 regional review

On behalf of the ICPD30 Secretariat for the UNECE region, we are pleased to invite you to a virtual consultation for civil society on 08 September 2023, from 15:00 to 16:00 Central European time. The focus will be the upcoming ICPD30 Regional Conference, to be held in Geneva on 19-20 October.

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Leading to ICPD30 No 4: Extracts from UNECE Regional Report on ICPD PoA: (b) Families, sexual and reproductive health over the life course

The 2013 Chair’s summary called on Member States to “guarantee universal access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care” including, among other measures,  strengthening comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programmes by training professionals; removing barriers to access contraceptive methods; eliminating preventable maternal mortality and morbidity; and ensuring the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 

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Leading to ICPD30 No 3: Extracts from UNECE Regional Report on ICPD PoA: (a) Population dynamics and sustainable development

A “long-term, holistic, rights-based approach” should be taken to population dynamics and its linkages with sustainable development, according to the 2013 Chair’s summary, which called upon UNECE Member States to “invest in human capital across generations by enhancing their access to quality education, decent work and health and social services, prompting healthy lifestyles, and supporting their involvement in decision-making.” Moreover, Member States were encouraged “to reduce CO2 emissions and strive for energy efficiency.”


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Leading to ICPD30 No 2: Extracts from UNECE Regional Report on ICPD PoA: demographic and social context

Extracts from the United Nations Commission for Europe Report on the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development is now available. It provides detailed information on progress and obstacles encountered since the last review in 2018 and highlights achievements and setbacks in population and development outcomes and identifies areas where accelerated efforts are required, taking into account the evolving demographic, social and economic realities in the region. The review focuses on the three thematic priorities that were formulated in the 2013 Chair’s Summary, namely population dynamics and sustainable development; families, sexual and reproductive health over the life course; and inequalities, social inclusion, and rights. These three topics, which will be included in follow-up postings, will form the basis for the thematic sessions during the Regional Conference.

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