
Summit of the Future No 11: Update on processes for CSO inputs for a Declaration on Future Generations

In their letter of 20 December 2023, Ambassadors Yoka M.G. Brandt and Brian Wallace, Permanent Representatives of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Jamaica respectively, again state their commitment to “ensuring open, transparent and inclusive consultations with Member States, as well as relevant stakeholders.”

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Summit of the Future No 10: Co-facilitators for a Global Digital Compact set out preparatory process

The co-facilitators for a Digital Compact, Ambassadors Anna Karin Eneström of Sweden and Chola Milambo of Zambia, appointed by the President of the UN General Assembly in October 2023, have sent a letter setting out the time frame for the negotiations on a Global Digital Compact (GDC). 

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Summit of the Future No 9: Co-facilitators for a Declaration on Future Generations set out preparatory processes

The President of the UN General Assembly wrote to the Permanent Representatives on 15 December to transmit the letter from the co-facilitators for a Declaration on Future Generations (DOFG), whom he appointed in October 2023, Ambassadors Ms Yoka M G Brandt of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Mr Brian Wallace of Jamaica, which sets out the roadmap for its consultation process. 

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Summit of the Future No 8: Co-facilitators for Summit of the Future set out preparatory processes

In their letter of 14 December 2023, noting that there is broad consensus around “the majority of the agreed elements of the Rev 3” as a starting point, the Co-facilitators for the Summit of the Future (SOTF) have set out the processes for the upcoming consultations, as they prepare the zero draft of the Pact for the Future.  

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Summit of the Future No 7: Reminder – submission of written inputs. Deadline 31 December 2023

Following the virtual consultation with the co-facilitators on 13 December, we would like to remind you that written inputs for the zero-draft of the Pact for the Future must be received by the deadline of 31 December 2023.

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 Invitation to Participate in Virtual Consultation and Submit Written Inputs

On 10 October 2023, the President of the General Assembly announced the reappointment of Germany and Namibia as co-facilitators of the intergovernmental preparatory process of the Summit of the Future. As part of the consultative process, the United Nations Secretariat supports the co-facilitators in engaging civil society and other stakeholders.

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Summit of the Future No 6: Update on Virtual Consultation and submission of written inputs

The Summit of the Future (SOTF) Secretariat in the United Nations Secretariat has circulated the attached Invitation to Participate in Virtual Consultation and Submit Written Inputs. Please read it carefully as it provides important information about the virtual consultation with the co-facilitators on 13 December and the guidelines for submitting written inputs 

We would, particularly, draw your attention to the following:

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Summit of the Future No 5: Some available resources 

In addition to the General Assembly resolution 76/307 and decision 77/568, there are a number of other documents which provide further information for the preparations for the Summit of the Future (SOTF), such as the series of Policy Briefs prepared by the UN Secretary-General:

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Summit of the Future No 4: Civil society involvement 

As stated in Summit of the Future No 1, the role of civil society in the process for the Summit of the Future (SOTF) has been included from the beginning, (resolution 76/307) and is in line with processes for special sessions etc of the UN General Assembly held in previous years. 

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Summit of the Future No 3: Preparatory process and Member States involvement

Following the adoption of General Assembly decision 77/568, the Ambassadors of Germany and Namibia, as the co-facilitators, within their mandate “to facilitate open, transparent and inclusive intergovernmental consultations on the preparatory process” for the Summit while “allow[ing] adequate time for negotiations on the Pact for the Future,” have begun the preparatory process leading to the Summit of the Future (SOTF). 

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