Summit of the Future No 17: Engagement of Major Groups and other Stakeholders and Civil Society for Zero Draft of Pact for the Future

In their letter of 26 January 2024, Ambassadors Leendertse and Gertze, Co-facilitators for the Summit of the Future (SOTF) set out the process for Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS) and Civil Society (CSO) representatives to share their feedback on the zero draft of the Pact for the Future (Pact), following its presentation on 29 January 2024.
Virtual consultation
There will be a virtual consultation on 21 February, from 10 am to 1 pm. The sequence of speakers will be:
- Co-chairs of the Coordination Mechanism of Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS) max 5 mins
- Representatives of individual MGoS, civil society coalitions and groups max 3 mins each
- Representatives of individual NGOs, expert groups, private sector and other stakeholders, max 2 mins each
Member States and Observer delegations are also invited to join the meeting
To participate in the consultation, MGoS and CSO representatives can register via this link ( ) or QR code (Is in the letter). The link for the virtual room will then be shared with them in advance of the meeting
Submission of written inputs
MGoS and CSO representatives may also submit written inputs to the zero draft of the Pact, by 12 February 2024 (11.59 New York time) using this template
Please note that:
- The form will give you the option to provide feedback on one section or each of the sections: Chapeau, Chapter 1 Sustainable Development and Financing for Development, Chapter 2 International Peace and Security, Chapter 3 Science, Technology and innovation and Digital Cooperation, Chapter 4 Youth and Future Generations, and Chapter 5 Transforming Global Governance.
- or each section, indicate if your feedback corresponds to a general comment about the entire section, a language proposal for the section or both. For language proposal, please indicate the relevant paragraph number(s) from the zero draft of the Pact.
- Only one feedback submission per organization or network will be accepted. We recommend collaborating within your group to consolidate and refine your feedback before submission.
- The character limit for each text box is 1300.