Summit of the Future No 48: Update on opening segment of the Summit of the Future

The General Assembly President, in his letter of 4 September, announced that the following youth representatives have been invited to speak in the opening segment on Sunday 22 September, 09.00 (New York time):
- Monica Malith (Republic of South Sudan)
- Ghanim Mohammed Al Muftah (State of Qatar)
- Niria Alicia García (United States)
In addition there will be statements from the President of the Republic of Namibia and the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.
During the adoption of the outcome document at the opening, explanations of vote will not be granted, in accordance with General Assembly decision 78/555 and Member States should put on record any further views on the Pact for the Future, the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations during the discussions on Agenda item 123 on ‘Strengthening the United Nations system’, scheduled for 7 October.
The Provisional Programme for the Summit is available.