Summit of the Future No 14: Zero draft of the Pact to be presented on Monday 29 January – Letter from Co-facilitators (26 January 2024)

In their letter of 26 January on the preparatory process for the Summit of the Future (SOTF) and presentation of the zero draft of the Pact for the Future (Pact), the Co-Facilitators thanked Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS), as well as representatives of CSOs, academia and the private sector, for their “active participation in the virtual consultation on 13 December 2023. They had received nearly 500 written inputs, of which all relevant ones will be posted on the SOTF website.
Virtual consultation for MGoS and civil society
The presentation of the zero draft of the Pact will be webcast via UN Web TV from 10:00-11.30 (New York time). Its text “should serve as a strong starting point for the intergovernmental deliberations this year, with the ultimate aim of adopting an ambitious, concise, action-oriented Pact by consensus” before the SOTF in September.
Opportunities for CSO inputs
After the formal presentation of the draft, the informal consultations, starting on 6 February, will be closed. There will, however, be a virtual consultation for MGoS and civil society on 21 February 2024, from 10.00 am to 1 pm (New York time). The sequence of speakers will be:
- Co-chairs of the Coordination Mechanism of Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGos) max 5 mins
- Representative of individual MGoS, civil society coalitions and groups max 3 mins each
- Representatives of individual NGOs, expert groups, private sector and other stakeholders max 2 mins
Member States and Observer delegations are invited to share this letter from the Co-facilitators with relevant civil society groups and stakeholders and to join the meeting on 21 February. Registration is via the link in the letter from the Co-facilitators . In addition, MGoS and civil society representatives are invited to submit written inputs to the zero draft of the Pact by 12 February. Further information will shortly be made available via the SOTF website, as well as being sent to registered participants for this and previous SOTF consultations.
Pact for the Future Zero draft
The Pact zero draft is available on the SOTF website. We will be putting up comments on it in the coming days…