Summit of the Future No 15: Global Digital Compact first informal consultations – Monday 12 Feb and Tuesday 13 Feb

The Co-facilitators for the Global Digital Compact (GDC), Ambassadors Anna Karin Eneström and Chola Milambo, have provided the following information on the first informal consultations, in their letter of 2 February 2024:
In-person consultation for Member States and Observers
The first informal consultation with Member States and observers will be held on Monday 12 February. This will be an in-person meeting from 10 am to 1 pm (New York time) in the ECOSOC Chamber. Interventions will be limited to five minutes for groups and three minutes for statements in national capacity. Stakeholders are invited to listen to the exchanges in addition to Members States and observers. The consultation will be webcast
Virtual consultation for CSOs
The first virtual informal consultation with stakeholders will be held on Tuesday 13 February from 10 am to 1 pm (New York time) with priority being given to speakers representing groups and coalitions. Interventions for groups and coalitions will be limited to five minutes and those for individual CSOs, institutions and companies, or in personal capacities to three minutes, time permitting.
Registration for stakeholders to speak or participate is via this link:
Written inputs from CSOs
The deadline for written inputs is 8 March. (See Summit of the Future No 10)
Focus for interventions:
The Guiding questions, as set out in the letter from the Co-facilitators are:
1. The Global Digital Compact provides an opportunity for shaping a shared vision on digital cooperation that aims to close the digital divide, harness the benefits of digital technologies to attain the Sustainable Development Goals, safeguard human rights, and ensures an inclusive, open, safe and secure digital future for all. How can a shared vision on global digital cooperation be reflected in the Compact?
2. We have identified support for the establishment of a Global Digital Compact that rests on the principles of the UN Charter, Agenda 2030, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. What are the principles for cooperation to include in the Global Digital Compact?
3. As part of our informal consultations last year, we explored a number of themes. The governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has also emerged as a significant policy issue. What themes should be addressed in a forward-looking Compact? How can the GDC advance cooperation on AI to harness opportunities and manage risks?
4. The deep dives highlighted the unique opportunity a Global Digital Compact could have in advancing concrete progress in digital cooperation. What commitments, actions and deliverables could the Global Digital Compact include to strengthen digital cooperation?
5. What follow up is required to support Compact implementation and deliver on commitments? What mechanisms might be harnessed, including to avoid duplication, in support of follow up?
Presentation of zero draft
The presentation of the zero draft to Member States will take place on 5 April.