Summit of the Future No 8: Co-facilitators for Summit of the Future set out preparatory processes

In their letter of 14 December 2023, noting that there is broad consensus around “the majority of the agreed elements of the Rev 3” as a starting point, the Co-facilitators for the Summit of the Future (SOTF) have set out the processes for the upcoming consultations, as they prepare the zero draft of the Pact for the Future.
Both Member States and Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS), CSOs and representatives from academia and the private sector had until 31 December 2023 to make submissions for the zero draft. The co-facilitators reminded both that the zero draft will not be a “compilation document” of proposals that they have heard and received, “but an ambitious and action-oriented text, in line with decision 77/568…”
With reference to the contributions from MGoS and others and noting that over 700 participants had joined virtual meeting on 13 December 2023, the co-facilitators said that the inputs from the meeting will be posted on the SOTF website. They will circulating a follow up letter early in 2024 on their engagement with civil society and MGoS in the preparatory process of the Summit, in accordance with resolution 76/307, as they “continue to strive for an open and transparent preparatory process.”
Their proposed road map for the Pact for the Future during the first quarter of 2024 is:
They intend to begin the reading in early April using a chapter-by-chapter basis, having allowed delegates “to provide their inputs on the entirety of the text through the 1st and 2nd readings. Three to six consultation days will be allowed per chapter. They also plan to update the roadmap by the end of February, including information on the third reading, with further updates on a rolling basis. The roadmap has been drawn up to avoid duplication with other SOTF processes and taking into account other intergovernmental meetings in New York.
Following their pronouncement in their letter of 19 October 2023, the meetings listed above will be closed to civil society. The cofacilitators, however, state that they will “provide ample opportunities for inputs from civil society and interaction between civil society and Member States”. Their plans in this regard will be set out in a follow-up letter.