
ICPD + 25: Posting 2

Background to the 5threview of the ICPD Programme of Action (cont)

While the ICPD Programme of Action (PoA) did not have a built-in review and follow-up process such as that included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (See para 74)[1], it called for “a regular review of the implementation”.[2] The UN General Assembly, in its resolution 49/128,[3] by which it formally adopted the PoA, while recognizing its own role in organizing such a review, requested the UN Economic and Social Council also to take on this function “including a quinquennial review and appraisal of the progress made in achieving the goals and objectives of the Programme of Action…”…

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ICPD + 25: Posting 1

Background to the 5threview of the ICPD Programme of Action 

At its 50thsession in 2017, the UN Commission on Population and Development decided that the Special theme for its 52ndsession in 2019 will be “Review and appraisal of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and its contribution to the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development…

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7th meeting of the IAEG-SDGs: UPDATE 14

Work Plan and Next Steps 

In the period to March 2019, the IAEG-SDGs will:

(a) Continue the review of Tier III indicator workplans, reclassifying when requirements are met at their Autumn 2018 meeting and via open Webex meetings through the rest of the year

(b) Conduct an open consultation on additional indicators and develop a first proposal for discussion at the Spring 2019 meeting. (This will then be finalized as part of the proposal included in the comprehensive review for consideration by the Statistical Commission (UNSC) at its 51st session in 2020)

(c) Begin work on the comprehensive review by compiling a preliminary…

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7th meeting of the IAEG-SDGs: UPDATE 13

Stakeholders discussions with Enrique Ortiz, Co-Chair IAEG-SDGs 

During the meeting of the IAEG-SDGs, Enrique Ortiz, Co-chair, met with the Stakeholder Group during which the Stakeholders conveyed their thanks for the new structure which allows them to contribute on agenda items as they arise. He stressed the importance of having immediate feedback, as what is said helps with their work. 

On issues related to greater involvement, the Group requested that new groups being established by the IAEG should be opened up to Stakeholders. They would like to be more involved in the indicators with an opportunity to voice their opinions on-line…

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President of the General Assembly's High-level Meeting "Financing for SDGs--Breaking the Bottlenecks of Investment, from Policy to Impact"

11 June 2018
UN Headquarters - New York 

Stakeholder Respondents Selected

At the request of the Office of the President of the General Assembly, UN-NGLS facilitated a process to identify 4 stakeholder respondents to speak from the floor during the panel discussions at the President of the General Assembly's High-level Meeting "Financing for SDGs -- Breaking the Bottlenecks of Investment, from Policy to Impact." UN-NGLS facilitated a Stakeholder Selection Committee to review applications for the speaking roles and create a regionally and gender balanced short-list of candidates for the President of the General Assembly to consider…

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Briefing by the President of ECOSOC on the HLPF (30 May, 3pm, CR1)

Updated on Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 6:48PM by Registered CommenterRichard

We have received the following from DESA-OISC:

Please be advised that the President of the Economic and Social Council (Czech Republic) will convene an informal briefing on the high-level political forum on sustainable development, convened under the auspices of the Council, and the high-level segment of the Council at its 2018 session…

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7th meeting of the IAEG-SDGs: UPDATE 12

Data flow guidelines 

The 49thsession of the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) welcomed efforts by the IAEG-SDGs to improve data flows and global reporting. The draft guidelines on data flows and global data reporting for the SDGs as an initial step to improve coordination and harmonization of national and international data systems, and to ensure full transparency of data, metadata and data aggregates presented in the SDG global database…

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IMPORTANT - HLPF Registration - Frequently Asked questions

We have received the following from DESA-OISC:

With thanks to an initiative by the NGO MG, DESA has compiled a document with commonly asked questions regarding registration and participation in the HLPF. You can find it by clicking here. A full logistics note will be released in June.

More information is available at


Draft programme for HLPF now available

The draft programme for the High-level Political Forum (HLPF), to take place in New York from 9 – 19 July, is now available.

As previously, the first week will be devoted to items including the UN Secretary’s Report and Leaving no one behind: are we succeeding?, as well as discussion under the general theme “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies”…

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IMPORTANT - HLPF Registration for organizations without ECOSOC accreditation

We have received the following:

Dear NGO Major Group, 

If you would like to attend the 2018 High Level Political Forum and your organization does not have ECOSOC or CSD accreditation, please follow the following steps: 

1. Create an Indico account at   


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