Summit of the Future No 24: Declaration on Future Generations Zero Draft – good news on Stakeholder and Civil Society participation

An email has been received by Commat from one of the advisers to the co-facilitators for the Declaration on Future Generations, reiterating that a broad consultative process has been underway since January “to garner the oral and written inputs for the zero draft from a wide range of stakeholder groups.”
While it emphasizes that during this, the third stage of the intergovernmental negotiations “only inputs from Member States will be taken into consideration in the development of the text.” However, stakeholders “with physical access to the UN premises will be permitted to observe the proceedings from the gallery of the Trusteeship Council Chamber."
This is a major step forward from the other negotiations for the Summit of the Future documents and is to be enthusiastically welcomed
In addition, the “Co-Facilitators are exploring ways in which to re-engage stakeholders in order to provide updates on the intergovernmental process. This will be announced in due course.”