Summit of the Future No 27: Letter from Summit Co-facilitators on Engagement of Major Groups and other Stakeholders and Civil Society

Ambassadors Antje Leenderste of Germany and Neville M Gertze of Namibia, the co-facilitators for the Summit of the Future (SOTF) and Pact for the Future (Pact), have sent a letter to provide further information on the upcoming virtual consultation with Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS) and civil society.
As they proceed with the preparations for a revised draft (Rev 1) of the Pact for the Future, delegations and representatives of MGoS and civil society are invited to the consultation, to be held on 17 April, from 10.00 to 13.00 (New York time). Its objective is to “exchange views with MGoS and civil society on the zero draft of the Pact and to provide an update on the intergovernmental negotiations.” It will also allow Member states “to articulate their vision and priorities for the Pact directly to MGoS and civil society.”
This format, the co-facilitators believe, will “enhance interaction and promote a direct exchange of ideas between MGoS, civil society, and delegations, thereby following the principles of inclusivity and transparency…”
Registration is via this link. Priority will be given to statements on behalf of groups of States and stakeholders, with time limits of five minutes for groups and three minutes for national and individual statements. The link for the virtual meeting room will be shared before the event, and information will be included in the chat box on inscribing on the list of speakers.
The sequence for speaking, interspersed with groups of States and Member States, will be:
- Co-Chairs of the Coordination Mechanism of MGoS (max 5 mins)
- Representatives of individual MGoS, civil society coalitions and groups (max 3 mins)
- Representatives of individual NGOs, expert groups, private sector and other stakeholders (max 2 mins)