Summit of the Future No 26: Zero Draft of Global Digital Compact – first reading 12 April

The President of the UN General Assembly has written to Permanent Representatives in New York, forwarding the letter from the co-facilitators, Ambassadors Anna Enström of Sweden and Chola Milambo of Sweden and the zero draft of the Global Digital Compact.
The zero draft was introduced on Friday, 5 April at a meeting in the Trusteeship Council Chamber which was also webcast.
In their letter the co-facilitators announce that the first reading of the Zero Draft will start on 12 April, also in the Trusteeship Council Chamber, continuing on 2 and 3 May in Conference Room 1.
It is their intention to “convene periodic meetings to update interested stakeholders.” The first will be on 24 April from 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm. Information is not yet know as to how Major Groups and other Stakeholders and Civil Society can register, or the procedures, for this event.