Summit of the Future No 22: Declaration on Future Generations Zero Draft released

The Zero draft for the Declaration on Future Generations has been released. It comprises a Preamble, Guiding Principles and Commitments and Implementation, institutionalization and monitoring.
In addition to reaffirming the UN Charter and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, (para 2) Heads of State and Governments (HoSG) recall that they have repeatedly reaffirmed their obligations to future generations and their “determination to safeguard their needs and interests” citing in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and 2023 SDG Political Declaration, but not the ICPD Programme of Action. (para 3) They also recognize that their decisions, actions and inactions today “have an intergenerational multiplier effect…” (para 4) The need for intergenerational dialogue and engagement is recognized including among elderly (older persons), youth and children. (para 6) The complex and interrelated challenges and risks of today, with “projected consequential changes in the demographic landscape” can compound harm to future generations of not addressed. (para 8) Future generations, moreover, are “all those generations that do not yet exist, are yet to come and who will eventually inherit this planet.” (para 10)
Guiding principles
To leave a “better future for generations to come”, HoSG will adhere to principles, including the following:
(11) Maintenance of international peace and security
(12) Fundamental principles of political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights, and fundamental freedoms for all
(13) Rights of future generations to thrive in prosperity and achieve sustainable development
(14) A safe, healthy and sustainable environment addressing, for example, climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution
(15) Safe, secure and trustworthy technology and innovation to promote digital transformation
(16) Gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls
(17) A multilateral system to rebuild trust among countries and other stakeholders
HoSG commit to:
(18) Promoting peaceful, inclusive and just societies, while taking inequalities within and between nations, including special needs of developing countries, marginalized communities and group in vulnerable situations
(19) Elimination of gender discrimination in all its forms and promoting women’s empowerment
(20) Eliminating all forms of persistent historical and structural inequalities…
(21) Promoting cultural diversity, and fostering dialogue “to ensure tolerance … while safeguarding spiritual and ancestral beliefs of Indigenous Peoples…”
(22) Undertaking comprehensive and targeted strategies to achieve sustainable development
(23) Guaranteeing climate justice
(24) Harnessing the benefits of new and emerging technologies… as in the context of the Global Digital Compact
(25) Strengthening cooperation on states on demographic trends and realities, including on safe, orderly and regular migration
(26) Investing in inclusive, equitable and quality education for present generations, including lifelong learning…
(27) Guaranteeing rights of future generations to the highest (attainable) standards of health, through universal healthcare…
The above will be implemented at all levels through:
(28) Leveraging science, technology and strategic foresight…
(29) Ensuring the wide sharing of knowledge and data…
(30) Transforming national and global accounting
(31) Investing in better preparedness and response to global shocks
(32) Undertaking a “cross-sectoral approach involving the coordination of government Ministries and agencies…
(33) “Developing partnerships with relevant stakeholders, including civil society, academia, the scientific and technological community and the private sector, as well as intergenerational partnerships, to share best practices and develop innovative, long-term and forward-thinking ideas in order to respect, protect and fulfill the needs, interests and rights of future generations,”
(34) Equipping the multilateral system, including the UN, to support Member States in embedding “future generations and long-term thinking in policy-making processes by fostering and facilitating greater use of foresight, science and data…”
(35) Adopting a more future-oriented organizational culture… across the UN system…
(36) Recognizing the role of the UN, in encouraging the Secretary-General to appoint a Special Envoy for Future Generations; and/or Establishing an annual forum or high level meeting on future generations; and/or Including the question of future generations on the General Assembly agenda; and/or Requesting the Secretary-General to submit and annual report…