
Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18-22 May No 15: Goals, targets and indicators

(based on IISD Reporting Services report)

Goals, targets and indicators 

On the morning of Thursday 21 May, Ambassador Kamau introduced the “Revised Targets Document” from the Co-Facilitators. (See: Post-2015: revised proposal for the themes of the six interactive dialogues to be held during the post-2015 Summit) The tweaking of the targets had been based on two criteria: to replace the ‘x’s in the OWG’s report with text or values, for which there had seemed to be “a measure of comfort” from what delegates had said during the March session; and to ensure consistency with existing international agreements...

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Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18-22 May No 14: Thematic dialogues

The revised themes for the thematic dialogues was introduced on Thursday. During the discussions Egypt and other countries, particularly from the Arab Region voiced their objections to the inclusion of “vulnerable groups” under the theme Tackling inequalities, empowering women and girls and leaving no-one behind. They would accept the use of “people in vulnerable situations”. 

Ambassador Kamau, Co-facilitator, responded in saying that the term was “Rio+20 language” but no agreement could be reached on this matter by Thursday afternoon. It was then raised again on Friday morning, when Egypt said that they also accept the use of the term “the vulnerable”.  Ambassador Kamau then said that the problem appeared to be with the word “groups”...

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Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18-22 May No 13: Civil society participation in the IGN going forward

Civil society has been engaged in the intergovernmental negotiations (IGN) since the beginning of the year through the interactive dialogues with civil society at each session. At the beginning of the interactive dialogue on Wednesday 20 May, Ambassador Kamau, speaking on behalf of both Co-facilitators, welcomed the positive engaged with civil society, also noting that some had expressed concerns that the representation in speaking had not been as balanced as it should be. This was something that they had tried to address. 

He said that the Co-facilitators were aware that some concerns have been expressed about access and that they wished to reassure civil society that they will continue to champion their access to these meetings, even at those points that might be sensitive and difficult...

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Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18-22 May – No 12: TST — Selected Follow-up and Review Processes and Platforms

The TST has completed its document on follow-up and review processes and platforms

It should be noted that  it includes the Commission on Population and Development (page 3) and also the ICPD Beyond 2014 Monitoring Framework under Goal 3 (page 9)

Under Goal 5 , the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, other Human Rights  Treat bodies and the Universal Periodic Review are cited in addition to the Commission on the Status of Women (pages 12 & 13)


Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18 -22 May – No 11: Preliminary Impressions on Follow-up and review by the co-facilitators 19 May 2015 

Ambassador David Donoghue gave the preliminary informal impressions of the Co-facilitators in summing up the discussions on follow–up and review of the previous sessions of the intergovernmental negotiating body.

  • We wish to share some preliminary impressions, which we garnered from two days of rich debate. 
  • Reassuring to see that we all share the conviction that implementation of the SDGs depends on – and is actually the main purpose of- a well-functioning and effective review framework. Discussion showed that you concur on many points. But we will clearly need some more discussion and reflection on some aspects. 
  • The first thing we have to agree on is the terminology. Should we speak about a “Monitoring and accountability framework” or a “follow-up and review framework”? Different processes use different terminologies...

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SDG Indicators –New website with information on meeting of Statistical Commission Inter-Agency and Expert Group, 1-2 June 2015

The Statistical Division has launched a website (Add link ) on the work of the Statistical Commission Inter-Agency and Expert Group (IAEG-SDGs), which will develop the indicators for the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Its first meeting will be held 1-2 June 2015.

The website lists those members that have already been appointed, taking into account equitable regional representation, as well as its terms of reference. The provisional agenda for the first meeting can be found at

Information on civil society registration is included. In addition information on civil society  participation is included in the attached email from DESA:

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26-27 May UN General Assembly interactive hearings on post-2015 agenda (will be web cast)

10:00am-1:00pm and 3:00-6:00pm each day UN General Assembly Hall, UN Headquarters with live web cast

In accordance with UN General Assembly resolution 69/244, informal interactive hearings on the post-2015 development agenda will take place on 26-27 May 2015, in the lead up to the UN Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 agenda (25-27 September 2015 in New York). The 26-27 May hearings are organized by the Office of the President of the General Assembly, supported by UN DESA, UN-NGLS, the Executive Office of the Secretary-General's Post-2015 Team, and the UN Global Compact, and are aimed at fostering active multi-stakeholder participation in the formulation of the agenda, while ensuring regional and gender balance as well as diversity of expertise, sectors, and age among speakers. 

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Food for thought paper on a possible Technology Facilitation Mechanism 

The Co-facilitators of the April joint session on FfD and Post 2015 have issued a ‘food for thought’ paper on a possible Technology Facilitation Mechanism. It builds on existing proposals included in the FFD Revised Draft Addis Ababa Accord (6 May 2015) as well as on discussions during the Joint FFD/Post 2015 negotiations on 22 April and those in the FFD inter-sessional on 15 May.

The content also reflects some of the work being undertaken by the Informal inter-agency working group (IAWG) on a technology facilitation mechanism. It is envisaged that there will be further discussion of this topic during the next FFD inter-sessional in the week of 25 May 2015.

The full paper is available here.


Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18-22 May — No 10: Themes for the interactive dialogues for the September Summit, Rev 3

Building on the positive response to the interactive dialogues themes proposal circulated yesterday, a slightly revised proposal has been posted.

The co-facilitators are confident that this will be the basis for agreement and can be transmitted to the PGA for appropriate action following approval during the intergovernmental negotiations this afternoon. 


Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18-22 May – No 9: Statement by Group of 7

As reported on 7 May, the cross-regional Group of 7 countries, Egypt, Liechtenstein, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, the Republic of Korea and Switzerland, convened a workshop on building an effective mechanism for post-2015 development agenda. During the opening session the following statement was delivered by Norway on behalf of the Group:

Post-2015 IGN 5 – Follow-up and Review

Group of 7 Statement...

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