
Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18 -22 May – No 8: Statements by Group of 77 and China and Regional Groups

Following the opening remarks by the Co-facilitators, the Group of 77 and China and the Regional Groups made their opening statements: 

South Africa, speaking on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, referred to the General Assembly Resolution 67/290, which led to the creation of the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development. The G77 and China emphasized the need for an efficient, robust, inclusive and transparent follow up and review instrument as a cornerstone for a successful post-2015 development agenda. They reaffirmed the role and authority of the General Assembly as the chief deliberative, policymaking and representative UN organ and stressed the need sustainable development to be integrated further as a key element of the overarching framework for UN activities...

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Member States reach agreement on Further Modalities for FfD3

Following our posting on Member States Conclude Consultations on Further Modalities for FfD3, we now make available the resolution as adopted by the UN General Assembly. Please note that NGO participation is addressed in paragraph 8.


Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18-22 May -- No 7: revised proposal for the themes of the interactive dialogues to be held during the post-2015 Summit

The latest revisions for the themes of the interactive dialogues to be held during the post-2015 Summit are now available. They will probably be discussed on Thursday afternoon. 

Please note that there are some changes, including to the second theme which now reads:

Tackling inequalities, empowering women and girls and leaving no one behind...

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Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18 -22 May – No 6: Co-facilitators opening remarks

Opening the fifth session of the intergovernmental negotiations (IGN), Ambassador Macharia Kamau, Co-facilitator reminded delegates that this was the last of the ‘scripted’ sessions and hoped that it will be possible to adopt the post-2015 development agenda by the end of July.  

In referring to this conversation on follow-up and review, he said that it might be ‘tricky’ insofar as some elements of the agenda have yet to be tied down, while more clarity is needed in other areas. It is necessary to think beyond the negotiations to see where things will be in 2016 and beyond up to 2030. Everything that is being discussed now would require consideration as to how the process will be unfolding from 2016 to 2030.

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PRESS RELEASE: UN rights experts call for a central role for civil society to guarantee inclusive post-2015 development goals

GENEVA (18 May 2015) – A group of experts* from the largest body of independent experts in the United Nations Human Rights system today urged UN member States to recognize and support the role of a free and active civil society in the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda. “A central role for civil society is the only way to guarantee inclusive post-2015 development goals,” they said.

In a joint statement* issued today, as government representatives meet in New York from 18 to 22 May to discuss a monitoring and review framework for the post-2015 development agenda, the experts called for the new global goals to be firmly grounded in international human rights norms and standards, stressing the principle of participation.  


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UN President of the General Assembly holds meeting on strengthening cooperation between UN, Regional and Sub-Regional Organizations

As reported by IISD, on 4 May 2015, the President of the UN General Assembly, Sam Kutesa, convened a high-level thematic debate on strengthening cooperation between the UN, regional and sub-regional organizations. During the deliberations, delegates discussed strengthening strategic partnerships, as well as how engaging and mobilizing regional and sub-regional organizations to enable them to play an effective role in the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda. The event resulted in a negotiated declaration on strengthening cooperation between the UN, regional and sub-regional organizations, which was negotiated ahead of the debate and was expected to be adopted by the Assembly on 5 May 2015.

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Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18-22 May – No 5: intergovernmental negotiations session opens on Monday

The final intergovernmental negotiations (IGN) session, before the negotiations themselves begin, opens on Monday.  

The first three days of the meeting will focus specifically on follow-up and review, based on the discussion paper already circulated. For further background on the follow-up and review and the positions taken by some of the Member States in the Stock-take session see attached paper prepared by Commat.

There will also be a session on the revised paper from the Co-facilitators on the targets...

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Member States Conclude Consultations on Further Modalities for FfD3

(Based on reported from IIED) 

Informal consultations took place among Member States on modalities for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD3) from March to May 2015, resulting in draft resolution A/69/L.62.

By this resolution, the UN General Assembly decides that FfD3 will include eight plenary meetings and six multi-stakeholder roundtables, to be held in parallel with the plenary meetings.

Three of the roundtables will focus on the ‘Global partnership and the three dimensions of sustainable development,' while the other three will take up ‘Ensuring policy coherence and an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development'...

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Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18-22 May – No 4: Discussion Paper on Follow-up and Review of the Post-2015 Development Agenda 

The Co-facilitators have released their discussion paper on follow-up and review of the post-2015 development agenda, 12 May 2012.

This paper outlines some key elements on follow-up and review, which have emerged from the intergovernmental negotiations on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, particularly during the Stocktaking session in January. It also presents a number of questions that member states may wish to consider in preparation for the IGN session next week. The opening section relates to possible general principles for a follow-up and review framework and is followed by options for the levels at which such a framework might operate. An illustrative framework for follow-up and review is included in Annex 1...

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Informal interactive hearings on post-2015 development agenda, 26-27 May 2015

The President of the General Assembly has circulated the concept note and provisional programme for the informal interactive hearings on post-2015 development agenda that will take place 26-27 May. Following an opening segment there will be four interactive roundtables and a closing segment. After the hearings, a President’s summary will be prepared and circulated to Member States and stakeholders...

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