
High-level Political Forum: next meeting 26 June to 8 July 2015

The next meeting of the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) will be held from Friday 26 June to Wednesday 8 July 2015. The ministerial segment will take place from Monday 6 July to Wednesday 8 July.  

The HLPF theme will be “Strengthening integration, implementation and review – the HLPF after 2015.” Discussions will include the role of the forum and ways to implement its functions in follow up and review of the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda. The meeting will therefore link closely to the upcoming intergovernmental negotiating session (IGN) on the post-2015 development agenda, to be held in New York from 18-22 May.


Post 2015-development agenda: IWRAW AP position paper on sustainable development goals and the post-2015 development agenda

IWRAW Asia Pacific has developed a position paper on the sustainable development goals, human rights and the post-2015 development agenda, following a meeting held early his year. Among other things it has a section on a framework for developing indicators from a human rights and gender equality perspective. This section draws heavily from the work of the  OHCHR on Human Rights Indicators. (See page 13 of the Position Paper).


Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18-22 May – No 3: draft programme and revised targets document, 7 May 2015

The Co-facilitators for the post-2015 development agenda, Ambassadors David Donoghue and Macharia Kamau, have circulated the draft agenda for the up-coming session 18-22 May on follow-up and review. 

They have also circulated the revised targets document, which includes a refinement to one additional target to ensure consistency with international agreements and the inclusion of references to humanitarian assistance in order to emphasize the importance of this issue. Clearer rationale has been provided on the other proposed changes. A session is being reserved for open discussion on the targets.

A discussion paper will follow on follow-up and review.

For full text see:


Financing for Development FfD3: Additional Consultations on zero draft of outcome document begin 11-15 May. Latest draft now available.

The latest draft of the outcome document for the third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD3), the Addis Ababa Accord, has been released by Co-facilitators Geir Pedersen of Norway and George Talbot of Guyana, together with the dates for the additional sessions: 11-15 May and 26-29 May 2015, as well as 1-5 June if needed. 

The revised draft is based on views and comments on the zero draft during the Second Drafting Session (April 13-17), the joint session on means of implementation  with the post-2015 development agenda process and written inputs comments received.

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Post-2015: revised proposal for the themes of the six interactive dialogues to be held during the post-2015 Summit

An informal-informal consultation will be convened , tomorrow, Friday 8 May from 3.00 - 4.30pm in Conference Room 8, at expert level to discuss the revised proposal for the themes of the six interactive dialogues to be held during the post-2015 Summit (25-27 September), as included in a letter from the co-facilitators. The consultation, it is hoped, will facilitate a consensus decision at the next session of  intergovernmental negotiations on the Post-2015 development agenda (18-22 May).

Proposal for themes of the interactive dialogues for the Summit:

As per Decision 69/555 on the modalities for the process of intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda, the overarching theme for the dialogues will be...

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Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18-22 May – No 2: Report on workshop on building an effective review mechanism for post-2015 development agenda

As reported by IISD, a workshop on building an effective review mechanism for the post-2015 development agenda was held in New York, US, on 30 April 2015, convened by the Permanent Missions of Egypt, Liechtenstein, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, the Republic of Korea and Switzerland to the UN, in cooperation with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). 

Moderated by Mark Halle, Executive Director of IISD-Europe, the workshop provided the opportunity to discuss options for the architecture for review and follow-up of the post-2015 development agenda, particularly the sustainable development goals (SDGs),...

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Where we are with the inter-governmental negotiations at the beginning of May 2015 

Following the joint FfD3 and post-2015 session, now is probably a good time to reflect on the inter-governmental negotiations (IGN) so far and some of the key issues will need to be resolved when the negotiations proper take place in June and July.  

First three IGN sessions

The Stock-take session in January, followed by the IGN on the Declaration in February; the March session on goals, targets and indicators; and the joint session in April have raised a number of issues that are crucially important for the success of the post-2015 development agenda. Arising out of the discussions in February, it is unclear what sort of document the Declaration will be...

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Nominate civil society speakers for the United Nations Secretary-General's Second Annual Sustainable Energy for All Forum: 18-21 May 2015 

We have received the following from UN-NGLS:

At the request of the United Nations Executive Office of the Secretary-General, UN-NGLS is facilitating a nomination process to identify two civil society speakers for the UN Secretary-General's Second Annual Sustainable Energy for All Forum. The event will take place on 18-21 May 2015 at UN Headquarters in New York. This nomination process seeks candidates for one civil society speaking role in each of two High-level Panel Discussions: 

20 May - Strengthening Global Cooperation on Energy > From Sustainable Development Goals to COP21 and beyond

21 May - Special Panel: Monitoring, Tracking And Accountability...

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Post-2015 development agenda session on follow-up and review, 18-22 May – No 1: regional and other opportunities for engagement

As we move towards the next session of the intergovernmental negotiations on follow-up and review, which will be the final one before the ‘negotiations proper’ take place in June and July, it is important to highlight related regional meetings scheduled for the next two months. These are all included on the calendar of events that we are regularly updating on the website.

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Financing for Development (FfD3): Additional negotiating sessions

There will be additional inter-sessional negotiating sessions for the Addis Ababa Conference on Financing for Development (FfD3) which will consider the next draft of the Addis Ababa Accord, to be made available shortly, on 11-15 May; 26-29 May; and 1-5 June. (Further information will be posted on the website as it becomes available.)