Post-2015 development agenda intergovernmental negotiations, 22-25 June No 3: more information on possibilities for civil society inputs

As can be seen in the draft programme for the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda, there will be a meeting with Major Groups and other Stakeholders on the morning of Wednesday 24 June. Civil society is being invited to comment on two parts of the zero draft, namely the Declaration and the follow-up and review.
In order to have your views be included in the process please note the following information that has been circulated by DESA-DSD and UN-NGLS on 16 June:
Following today's conference call between DESA-DSD, UN-NGLS and stakeholders, we set up a Google Group for all who registered, and invitations to this group have been sent out. (Please check your spam folder if you did not receive it.) This Google Group is intended to support communication between stakeholders for coordination toward the delivery of views during the meeting. The list of stakeholders that have registered for the 22-25 June post-2015 negotiating session is available here:
There is also a Google Spreadsheet that Major Groups and other Stakeholders are requested to use for identifying collaborative groupings for statements, and posting links to Google Docs of the draft statements:
We advise you to work across constituencies on priority topics to increase unity behind messaging and thereby effectiveness of advocacy, and to enable all interested stakeholders to contribute to this meeting. Open, transparent and participatory practice have been highlighted throughout the post-2015 process as the foundation of good governance.
For information about the post-2015 process, including the zero draft of the outcome document, please visit:
The civil society responses on SDGs and also proposed recommendations for FfD 3 are available on the IISD website.