
HLPF Political Declaration 2019


Please note that the first discussion of the Political Declaration for the two meetings of the UN High-level Political Forum, with Ambassadors Sheila Gweneth Carey of the Bahamas and Olof Skoog of Sweden will be taking place on 15 May, 10 AM, in the ECOSOC chamber.

See: President of the General Assembly appoints co-facilitators for political declaration from HLPF for further information.


9th Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs – Update 5

6 Review of progress on methodological development of Tier III indicators  

The UN Statistical Division (UNSD) requested agencies to provide updated Tier III workplans, focusing particularly on:

  • Detailed timelines including dates for completion of methodological work; methodology being approved as an international standard; indicator being submitted to the IAEG-SDGs for possible reclassification; and when data collection will begin
  • Expected data coverage of the indicator and frequency with which the data are collected, including total number of countries for which there will be information and regions

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Inaugural UN ECOSOC Presidential Lecture 20 May 2019

The United Nations Economic and Social Council is pleased to invite you to the Inaugural ECOSOC Presidential Lecture on 20 May 2019.

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Call for Applications - Intercultural Innovation Award

The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group launched the call for applications of the sixth edition of the Intercultural Innovation Award. Grassroots initiatives that encourage intercultural understanding through innovative methods, with the aim of alleviating identity-based conflicts around the world, are encouraged to apply online at interculturalinnovation.org. This year, the deadline for applications is 31 May, at 5:00 PM EDT.

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Informal Interactive Dialogue on Commodity Markets 15 May - FAO

Please Save the Date for the event Informal Interactive Dialogue on Commodity Markets, co-hosted by the President of the General Assembly, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), together with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), that will take place on 15 May 2019, from 10.00  to 17.30 in the Trusteeship Council Chamber, United Nations Headquarters, New York.

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Nomination form for travel support to HLPF now open

Dear Major Groups and other Stakeholders, 

The nomination form for Major Groups and other Stakeholders to receive travel support to participate in the HLPF under the auspices of ECOSOC (9-18 July in New York) is now available here: https://forms.gle/rxkcz6D9JPMSTNbQ7

The deadline to submit nominations is 29 May at 11:59pm EDT.



Open Call for NGOs to apply for Consultative Status with the United Nations (Deadline: 1 June 2019) 

NGOs interested in applying for ECOSOC consultative status should submit their application and required documents on or before the deadline 1 June 2019. The following link provides background information, the benefits and instructions how to apply: https://bit.ly/2ozYpVw

1 June 2019 is the deadline to apply for consultative status with the UN. Please spread the word!


Reminder to register for Africa Regional Youth Conference 15th to 16th August 2019

You are cordially reminded and requested to mobilize young people to attend the AFRICA REGIONAL YOUTH CONFERENCE.

Send the link to your networks to have Youth join the other 300 delegates that will convene in Uganda come August 15th and 16th 2019 to  shape and learn from each other the progress made in engaging Youth in:

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REMINDER WEBINAR: Introduction to the MGoS engagement in the VNR process - 30 April 9:00-10:00 AM EDT

The VNR Task Group would like to invite you to participate in a webinar on MGoS´ participation in the VNRs for the HLPF 2019. 

We will introduce to you MGoS´ engagement in the VNR processes of the HLPF. Based on previous years’ experience the VNR Task Group developed a process and created a contribution template that will serve as basis for drafting collaborative statements and questions to volunteering countries. The outline of the process, timeline and contribution opportunities and the delivery of statements during the actual VNRs will be discussed during the webinar. 

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SAVE THE DATE: High-Level Dialogue

High-Level Dialogue on the Implementation of the United Nations Decade of Sustainable Energy for All 2014-2019: A Mid-Point Review (New York, 23-24 May 2019)

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