
Draft political declaration for silence procedure

The final draft political declaration has been shared by the President of the UN General Assembly under silence procedure until Wednesday 26 June 2019 at 6 pm (New York time).

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ICPD25 – from now to the Nairobi Summit - Posting 3

International Steering Committee

At its meeting on 26 April, the International Steering Committee (ISC) at which it discussed strategic planning, it was agreed that the ‘Three Zeros’ will be the focus for developing a road map to end the unfinished business of the ICPD by 2030:

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Political Declaration Update

We have received the following:

Dear MGoS colleagues,

The second informal consultations on the Political Declaration have now been re-scheduled for Monday, June 17 from 10am in Conference Room 3, UNHQ.

Kind regards


ICPD25: What's Changed? Conversation. Thursday, 13 June, 9-10 am, NY time

We have received the following:

We are pleased to invite you to the next conversation from the ICPD25: What's Changed? series, taking place tomorrow (Thursday, 13 June), from 9 to 10 am, New York time (1 to 2 pm GMT/UTC).


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9th Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs – Update 8  

2020 Comprehensive Review of SDG Indicators: Deadline for submission 14 June 2019

During the webinar Viveka Palm, Co-chair, and Benjamin Rae of the UN Statistics Division provided an update on the information given at the IAEG-SDGs 9th session. This posting brings together the available information.


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9th Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs – Update 7

8 IAEG-SDG work stream on Data disaggregation 

The overarching principle of data disaggregation is:

Sustainable Development Goal indicators should be disaggregated, where relevant, by income, sex, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability and geographic location, or other characteristics, in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics.

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Postponement | Informal Informal consultations on HLPF Political Declaration | 12 June 2019

The informal consultations on the political declaration have been postponed in order to facilitate further discussion and review.

At present, the adjourned date has not been announced. I will provide an update when further details are available.

Kind regards,

Gwilym Roberts-Harry


HLPF political declaration revised draft for discussion on Wed 12 June

The co-facilitators, Ambassadors Sheila Gweneth Carey of Bahamas and Olof Skoog of Sweden, of the intergovernmental consultations, have shared a revised draft of the political declaration for the HLPF under the auspices of the General Assembly, which will be discussed on Wednesday 12 June at 10.00 (New York time) in the Trusteeship Council Chamber.

In the draft, Heads of State and Governments (HSoG):

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9th Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs – Update 6

6 Tier reclassification requests of Tier III indicators 

Reclassification requests of nine Tier III indicators/sub-indicators were discussed: 

4.2.1 Proportion of children under 5 years of age who are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial well-being, by sex 


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Follow-up of IAEG-SDGs 2020 Comprehensive Review Call

Many thanks for participating in the conference call on the “IAEG-SDGs 2020 Comprehensive Review”. We would like to extend our gratitude to Viveka Palm, co-chair of the IAEG-SDGs, and Benjamin Rae, UN Statistics Division, for providing an overview on the objectives, context and timeline for the IAEG-SDGs 2020 Comprehensive Review. We would also like to acknowledge their kind and extensive responses to the questions being posed on the call.

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