
HLPF political declaration revised draft for discussion on Wed 12 June

The co-facilitators, Ambassadors Sheila Gweneth Carey of Bahamas and Olof Skoog of Sweden, of the intergovernmental consultations, have shared a revised draft of the political declaration for the HLPF under the auspices of the General Assembly, which will be discussed on Wednesday 12 June at 10.00 (New York time) in the Trusteeship Council Chamber.

In the draft, Heads of State and Governments (HSoG):

  • reaffirm the commitment to leave no one behind, taking more tangible steps to support the most vulnerable people and countries and to reach the furthest behind first (para 4) 
  • recognize the universality of the 2030 Agenda and its integrated and indivisible nature (para 5) 
  • achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls (para 6)
  • realize their vision of a world with access to inclusive and quality education, health care, food security and improved nutrition…(para 7)
  • reaffirm that gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls will make a crucial contribution to progress across all the Goals and targets… (para 9)
  • recognize greater efforts are needed to direct and align the means of implementation of the 2030 Agenda… (para 11)


This requires coming together in durable partnerships between governments at all levels with a range of stakeholders, including civil society, the private sector, academia and youth. (para 12) The 2030 Agenda and the political declaration are their promise to the children and youth of today so that they can achieve their full potential. (para 13) They have seen a significant response from cities, local authorities, civil society, the private sector, academia, youth and other actors… (para 14)


The draft declaration welcomes the UNSG’s ongoing efforts to reform the UN Development System (para 15) and commends the work of HLPF, noting that VNRs have been presented by 142 countries, and the efforts of the UN Regional Commissions in support of Member States’ actions in achieving the SDGs as well as the contributions of Major Groups and all other stakeholders. (para 16) It also welcomes the Global Sustainable Development Goals and the Secretary-General’s Progress Report… (para 17) 


HoSG are concerned that progress is slowing or is too slow in many areas, including progress towards gender equality and women’s empowerment … (para 18) and the intensification of conflicts and instability in the world as well as the frequency and intensification of natural disasters. (para 19) There is an urgent need to accelerate action on all levels and by all stakeholders, to fulfil the vision and Goals of the 2030 Agenda … (para 20) and the UNSG is requested , as a follow-up to the SDG Summit and the reports on SDG progress, and in the lead-up to the Summit for the 75thanniversary of the UN, to engage governments, civil society, the private sector and other stakeholders in generating solutions and accelerating action to address systemic gaps in implementation. (para 22)


To implement the 2030 Agenda and reach the SDGs, HoSG make commitments in the following areas:

(a) Leaving no one behind, (including youth, people living with HIV/AIDS and older persons)

(b) Mobilizing adequate and well-directed financing 

(c) Enhance national implementation

(d) Strengthening institutions for more integrated solutions 

(e) Bolstering local action to accelerate implementation

(f) Building resilience  

(g) Solving challenges through international cooperation and enhancing the global partnership

(h) Harnessing science, technology and innovation with a greater focus on digital transformation for sustainable development

(i) Investing in data for the SDGs, (including strengthening national statistical capacities to address gaps in data to allow countries to provide high-quality, timely, reliable, disaggregated data and statistics and to fully integrate them in  monitoring and reporting systems with support for most vulnerable countries…)

(j) Strengthening the HLPF 


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