
INVITATION: Human rights and the 2030 Agenda

12 July, 1:15-2:30, Conference Room 1, UNHQ - with keynote by H.E. Inga Rhonda King, President of ECOSOC

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In the words of Amina Mohammed, UN’s Deputy Secretary-General:

”Human rights are an intrinsic part of sustainable development -- and sustainable development is a powerful vehicle for the realization of all human rights.”(DSG’s remarks at the 40th Session of the UN Human Rights Council) 

Please mark your High-Level Political Forum calendars for a discussion on ways to speed up the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its sustainable development goals through a human rights-based approach:

Friday, 12 July, 1:15-2:30pm, Conference Room 1

We will look forward to welcoming you to our side event, where high-level speakers will discuss the outcomes of the UN Human Rights Council Intersessional meeting on human rights and the 2030 Agenda and the value of human rights-based approaches in the implementation, monitoring and reporting on the SDGs and ensuring that we deliver on the central pledge of the 2030 Agenda - to leave no one behind.

Please note that the event is limited to persons with a valid UN grounds pass.

Kind regards,

OHCHR New York Office

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