
Reminder to register for Africa Regional Youth Conference 15th to 16th August 2019

Greetings from Uganda.

Every year 12th August is International Youth Day,this year partners are coming  together during the youth week 12th-16th August 2019 at a Regional conference.

Preparations for first Africa Regional Youth Conference is on going.The organizers thank so far more than 100 participants so far registered to attend the conference that will take place on 15th and 16th August 2019 Kampala-Uganda.

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Planning Global Forum for Beijing + 25

Please find enclosed the latest overview of the Beijing+25 planning from Soon Young


HLPF Survey for Major Groups and other stakeholders

Since 2015, the United Nations High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development has become the apex of the follow-up and review processes on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals. The first cycle of the HLPF is now coming to an end, with the HLPF convening twice this year, under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council in July and at the level of Heads of States and Government in September.

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PGA letter on the political declaration for the HLPF/GA (silence procedure) 

Please find attached the latest letter from the President of the General Assembly.

Having consulted with Member States and groups, the Co-Facilitators are sharing the amended final draft of the political declaration.

This draft is now under silence procedure until Tuesday, 2 July 2019 at 6pm (New York time).

Kind regards,

Gwilym Roberts-Harry


[HLPF Special Event]: You're invited to the SDGs in Action Film Festival

It’s almost showtime for the 2019 SDGs in Action Film Festival! After reviewing nearly 1,000 short films from around the world, the United Nations Department of Economic Affairs and global jury members from the film industry have selected this year’s top films showcasing action happening to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The 2019 programme includes documentaries, animated films and scripted works.

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PGA letter on the political declaration for the HLPF/GA (silence broken)

As can be seen in the attached letters from the President of the General Assembly and co-facilitators, one delegate has broken the silence procedure by asking that the following amendment “discharge of plastic litter into the oceans” be inserted into paragraph 20. The co-facilitators will continue to consult with Member States and groups to finding a solution, putting the final draft under silence procedure as early as possible.


Remarks by the President of ECOSOC - Briefing on HLPF, HLS and the Integration Segment - 26 June 2019

We have received the following:

Please find attached the remarks delivered by the President of ECOSOC, Her Excellency Inga Rhonda King, at yesterday’s briefing on the high-level political forum on sustainable development (HLPF) convened under the auspices of the Council (9 July 2019-18 July 2019), the high-level segment (16 July 2019-19 July 2019) and the Integration Segment (8 July 2019).

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HLPF Annotated Programme and Side Events

We have received the following:

Please click on the following links to access the:

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Bejing+25 – Global Forum for Gender Equality

The attached overview clearly sets out the vision, process and outcome focusing on accountability and partnership for accelerated action for the Global Forum for Gender Equality.

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World Youth Summit Act 2

We are proud to announce to you the World Youth Act 2 which will be held from 30th September til 2nd October 2019 in Johannesburg South Africa.


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