
Discussion 3 on Global Citizenship, Jobs and Skills for the Post2015 Global Consultation on Education begins. 

UNFPA has announced that the E-discussion on Global Citizenship, Jobs and Skills, the third in a series of four thematic e-discussions of the Post2015 Global Consultation on Education has started. It will only run until 6 February 2013, so CSOs and Youth organizations are urged to make their contributions as soon as possible. 

Please engage in this important consultation, highlighting such key issues as 

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Population Dynamics Thematic Consultation Update

The Thematic Consultation on Population Dynamics is particularly important for ensuring the inclusion of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The following information is therefore provided to inform you to assist you in engaging in the process.

The report of the Expert Group Meeting on Population Dynamics and the Post-2015 Development Agenda that took place in New York 19-20 November 2012 is now available. 

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Update on Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals  

An outcome of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development that might have a major impact on the Post-2015 Development Agenda is the decision to establish an Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (See Future We Want, paragraph 248) This Working Group, which is designated by the five UN regional groups to be made up of six countries per group, should have been set up at the beginning of the 67th General Assembly session.

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NGO survey for ICPD beyond 2014 process

The undersigned NGOs/CSOs have engaged recently with UNFPA regarding the ICPD Beyond 2014 global survey. This survey aimed to measure progress, gaps and outstanding issues in relation to the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action and was intended to be completed with the input of civil society at the national level. 

Given that many civil society organizations had little or no opportunities to provide input into the process, UNFPA has agreed to collect responses via a separate survey, the results of which will be included into the ICPD Beyond 2014 final report.
The survey can be accessed at

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ICPD Review International Conference on Human Rights 7-10 July 2013  

UNFPA has announced the dates for the International Conference on Human Rights. Co-hosted by the Government of the Netherlands, UNFPA and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, it will be held in the Netherlands from 7-10 July 2013. The Conference will provide an opportunity to assess the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action through an examination of the nexus between human rights, equality, equity and population and development, including in the key areas of gender, empowerment, and sexual and reproductive health and rights. 

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ICPD Beyond 2014 -- New Year Message from Kwabena Osei Danquah, Executive Coordinator

Kwabena Osei Danquah, Executive Coordinator ICPD Beyond 2014 Secretariat, has posted a New Year’s Message on the ICPD Beyond 2014 website

In addition to reviewing activities to date including the highly successful Bali Global Youth Forum, which led to the Bali Global Youth Forum Declaration, he notes that close to 140 questionnaires have been received, “which in most cases, were completed for the first time by Governments in partnership with NGOs and other stakeholders.”

Kwabena also says that the Secretariat “look[s] forward to the outcome of a survey being undertaken by a network of NGOs, with the support of UNFPA, for NGOs to enable the fullest contribution of NGOs to the global survey.” 

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Civil Society Participation in the High Level Panel Meeting in Monrovia, Liberia

NB: Deadline for applications is Wednesday, 16 January 2013, 16h00 GMT 

The following information has been received from Beyond 2015:

The third meeting of the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons will be held in Monrovia, Liberia from 30 January to 2nd February 2013. Its theme is: 'National Building Blocks for Sustained Prosperity', with a particular focus on economic transformation. The first day of the HLP meeting will be an outreach and consultation day, during which members of the Panel will take stock of key constituencies’ emerging positions and new evidence, including global CSOs.

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National Consultations

National consultations are being held in at least 56 countries. They are intended to promote an inclusive multi-stakeholder process and advocate for a Post-2015 development agenda that is informed by national and local priorities. National stakeholders will come together to exchange inputs and ideas for a shared global vision of "The Future We Want", in an inclusive and open debate with relevant knowledge on development challenges, opportunities and solutions.

On-line consultations have already started for the following countries: Jordan; Moldova; Vietnam and Zambia.


Global Leadership Meetings at conclusion of the Thematic Consultations

The World We Want website now has a calendar that includes up-to-date information on the Global Leadership Meetings (GLMs) for the thematic consultations, which are planned to take place between now and early April. These GLMs will culminate the processes for the each of the consultations, with the e-discussions continuing and Government briefings, Private Sector Briefings and Civil Society Organization meetings taking place in the meantime.

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Thematic consultation on Energy begins 

The final thematic consultation on energy has begun on the World We Want 2015 website.

The consultation recognizes the centrality of energy for global efforts to induce a paradigm shift towards poverty eradication, green economies and ultimately sustainable development. In recent years the Secretary-General’s initiative on “Sustainable Energy for All” has started and the UN General Assembly has declared 2012 as the “International Year of Sustainable Energy for All.” It will include multiple, global face-to-face and virtual consultations to capture general ideas, experiences and visions on energy in the post-2015 development agenda from the perspective of citizens, civil society organizations, experts, businesses and governments across the world. 

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