
High-level Leadership Meeting on Addressing Inequalities – Update 12 February  

The High-level Leadership Meeting on Addressing Inequalities will take place in Copenhagen on 18-19 February 2013.

On 18 February there will be a public dialogue, which will be livestreamed on the World We Want 2015 website (www.worldwewant2015.org/inequalities) Online participants may submit questions to the panel in advance using the Twitter hashtag #inequalities2015. They may also be submitted by email in advance to inequalities@worldwewant2015.org before the deadline of Friday, 15 February 2013.

The agenda for the meeting is attached together with the Overview and Key Messages. Please note that sexual and reproductive health, adolescents and young people are not included in the Overview and Key messages.

According to the Press Release the High-Level Leadership Meeting will take place on 19 February and will bring together “ministers and decision-makers from developing, middle income and OECD countries as well as leaders from the UN and civil society organisations to discuss what can be done to tackle global inequalities.” 

It will be co-hosted by Christian Friis Bach, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation, and Paul Victor Obeng, Chairman of the National Development and Planning Commission of Ghana, Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF and  Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN Women. 

For more information please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark website. 

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