
Briefing for UK-based Civil Society Organizations by Ambassador Pertti Majanen, Co-Chair and Liz Ditchburn, member of the UN Expert Committee on Financing for Sustainable Development

According to Ambassador Perrti Majanen, Co-Chair of the UN Expert Committee on Financing for Sustainable Development, the post-2015 development agenda is a “dream and it needs paying for”.  Both he and Liz Ditchburn from the UK Department for International Development, who is also a member of the Committee, gave an important briefing to UK-based civil society in London on Friday 15 November 2013.

In introducing the work of the Committee, Ambassador Majanen pointed out that the Millennium Declaration and MDGs constitute one of the greatest efforts of mankind and have been very successful but leaves many challenges. It is important to see that the MDGs are

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Strong UNTST Brief on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment for OWG8

The UN Technical Support Team (UNTST) Issues Brief on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment has been posted on the UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

The Issues Brief includes several references to sexual and reproductive health and rights, including highlighting it as a priority issue and recognizing its importance for a stand-alone goal on gender equality, women’s rights and women’s empowerment. Finally the document includes sexual and reproductive health and rights under human development policies that ensure universally accessible and affordable health care among “strategies, and approaches [with which any future goal or set of targets should be couple] that will promote, protect and fulfil the full spectrum of women’s and girls’ rights, many of which are found in international human rights frameworks and in policy commitments…”


UNFPA note on inclusive economic growth for OWG5

The fifth session of the Open Working Group (OWG5) starts today, Monday 25 October with the discussions focused on sustained and inclusive economic growth, macroeconomic policy questions (including international trade, international financial system and external debt sustainability), infrastructure development; (1.5 days) and Energy (1.5 days), as can be seen by the draft programme of work.

In preparation for this session, UNFPA has prepared the attached note that highlights some key issues on the relation between population dynamics, gender equality and economic growth.


“Not old enough to drive, yet old enough to be a parent ...” UNFPA Calls for Development Goal on Youth 

UNFPA recently called for a development goal for the post-2015 development agenda on youth in its recent publication Next Steps: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights on the Post-2015 Agenda. Fulfilling rights, achieving universal access to SRHR, empowering women, investing in youth, through a coherent post-2015 development framework. At the International Conference on Family Planning that concluded recently in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Dr Babatunde Osotimehin, its Executive Director, expanded further why the inclusion of this goal is important.

Recognizing that young people are a vital force that must be front and centre in global development efforts. Dr Osotimehin said,

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Briefing on UN Partnership Facility, November 14 2013; NLB Conference Room 4; 9:00-10:45 am

By Stan Bernstein, formerly of UNFPA and partner Re-Generation Consulting LLC

Under-Secretary General Robert Orr and three staff members of the Secretariat briefed over 200 representatives of civil society on the proposed Partnership Facility being promoted by the Secretary General and expected to be the subject of a UN General Assembly Resolution in December.

Current multi-partner partnerships

Mr. Orr first presented details about 3 UN-related multi-party partnership development initiatives: Every Woman/Every Child, the Sustainable Energy for All network and the Zero Hunger Challenge.  They can be contrasted on many dimensions.

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Just launched at the ICFP: Visions, Voices, and Priorities of Young People Affected by HIV

GYCA and the ATHENA Network, as part of the Link Up project, have just launched their first set of recommendations at the International Conference on Family Planning. The recommendations and visions for positive change come directly from young people affected by HIV who took part in a worldwide consultation on HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Please check out the full set here: http://www.aidsalliance.org/publicationsdetails.aspx?id=90666.


Women Deliver at ICFP 2013… 

Women Deliver will be at the 2013 International Conference on Family Planning in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Our team is excited to join global health advocates to highlight the importance of family planning and access to contraception. Here’s where you can find us!

Champions, Change, Transitions: The Next Shift

Session Chair: Jill Sheffield
Time/Location: 10:30am – 11:50am; Thursday, November 14th; Larger Conference Hall

Description: Over the past several decades, there has been increased acknowledgement of and support for the rights of women to access family planning services and information, due in part to strong and dedicated champions. However, challenges still remain, as more than 200 million of women in developing countries who want to avoid pregnancy lack access to family planning and contraceptives. 

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Ipas at the International Conference on Family Planning… 

Ipas is looking forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming International Conference on Family Planning next week in Addis Ababa. Attached, please find a list of Ipas events and presentations at the conference, including a special event on Thursday celebrating partnerships between youth leaders and health care providers. We hope you’ll join us!

For further information please refer to the attached material.


Parliamentarians active with EPF at 2013 Addis Ababa Family Planning Conference

Parliamentarians from around the world will be at the Third International Conference on Family Planning (#ICFP2013) in Addis Ababa, both as participants and speakers. EPF is teaming up with its partner networks from Africa (APFPD) and Asia (AFPPD) and with its APPG from the UK (UK APPG on Population, Development and Reproductive Health) to organise a number of events involving them:

Panel presentation: “Generating political will to promote Family Planning and bring about the Demographic Dividend” (OPEN TO ALL PARTICIPANTS)

Thursday 14th November, 2:30pm - 3:50pm - Large Conference Hall

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Countdown 2015 Europe invitation to two panels at the 2013 ICFP

Countdown 2015 Europe is pleased to invite you to two panels at the 2013 International Conference on Family Planning in Addis Ababa,  Ethiopia, discussing on tracking of European donor policies and funding support for RH and FP. 

The panel discussion: “Proliferation of ODA Tracking Methodologies: What, How, Why, and the Way Forward” has been scheduled for Thursday, November 14th, from 10:30 to 11:50 AM, 2nd level, Caucus Room,

It will focus on different methodologies used in Europe to track European donor funding for RH/FP or health, with presentation by IPPF EN on behalf of Countdown 2015 Europe, Action For Global Health, NIDI, and DSW. 

The panel discussion: "Accountability for Resources: Tracking Funding for RH and FP from the EU and its Member States” has been scheduled for Friday, November 15th , 2013 10:30 AM, Ground Floor, Briefing Room 3,

IPPF EN and DSW  will be presenting Countdown 2015 Europe data and Euromapping data on European donor funding for RH/FP with a focus on how these data can be used to increase accountability of European donor governments.