
UN Regional Commissions and the post-2015 development agenda

To ensure that Member States and other stakeholders gain “a better understanding of how the regional dimension can continue playing a critical role in catalyzing and mobilizing the means of implementation for the achievement of the post‐2015 development agenda”, the Executive Secretaries of the UN Regional Commissions held a discussion with the UN General Assembly's Second Committee (Economic and Financial) on 5 November under the title ‘Development Agenda: Regional Perspectives'. 

According to the Concept Note, there is recognition that regional frameworks can help to translate sustainable development policies into national-level action. The outcome document of the Open Working Group (OWG) on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), however, does not fully reflect the potential of the regional dimension, particularly in "facilitating and mobilizing the means of implementation and towards helping to consolidate a global partnership for development."

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Initial exchange of views on post-2015 negotiations concluded 

Two informal meetings of the plenary have been have been convened by the co-facilitators, Ambassador David Donoghue of Ireland, and Ambassador Macharia Kamau of Kenya, on the organization and modalities of intergovernmental negotiations and the remaining issues related to the Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda.  

The co-facilitators expect to issue a “starting document” during the week of 17 November that will cover the process, road map, and scope of work for intergovernmental negotiations.

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NGOs speak out on post-2015 synthesis report

The UN Secretary-General’s synthesis report is due to be published before the end of December. A number of NGOs and civil society organizations have written to the Secretary-General and to Amina Mohammed, the UN Secretary-General's Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning to comment on issues that wish to see reflected in the report and to make suggestions on the accountability, implementation, and framework of the agenda.

Among those contributing was the Civil Society Platform to Promote Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Beyond 2015. In their letter to the Secretary-General, they called for the full recognition of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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Major Groups write to co-facilitators of the post-2015 intergovernmental process on civil society access

Two informal meetings have been convened by the co-facilitators of the post-2015 intergovernmental process during which there have been discussions on civil society access to the negotiations that will start early in 2015, probably in February.

In their letter to the co-facilitators, Ambassadors Macharia Kamau and David Donoghue, the Major Groups, in addition to congratulating them on their appointments, have pointed out the calls in outcome document for the UN General Assembly Special Event and the resolution on the organization of the UN Summit for the involvement of civil society in the process leading up to the Summit in September 2015. While civil society participation is set out for the Summit itself, it has yet to be defined for the process in the interim. 

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Beijing+20 regional review UNECE region

Preceding the official Regional Review of Beijing+20 meeting for the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), a civil society forum was held which adopted a Declaration and Recommendations. (They are attached but can also be found at The recommendations include both sexual and reproductive health and rights and comprehensive sexuality education

The official sessions, held on 6 and 7 November, focussed on closing the gender gap through social and economic policies, women in policy, women and justice, women and violence, and the closing session on ways forward. On the first day Nyardazayi Gumbonzvanda, the chair of the CSO Forum Beijing+20, presented the results of the forum during the opening session. Other speakers included the Crown Princess of Denmark. (Videos of the session can be found on the twitter account of UNECE and #Beijing20ECE.) During the meeting there was harldy any possibilities for interventions from the floor, but when it was possible, no CSOs asked for the floor.

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Helen Clark: Lecture on The Future We Want – Can We Make it a Reality?

Helen Clark, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) gave a lecture on “The Future We Want – Can We Make it a Reality?” in memory of the life and work of Dag Hammarskjold, the 2nd UN Secretary General, who lost his life in a plane tragedy 50 years ago. 

Progress on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

In reflecting on the Millennium Development goals (MDGs) Helen Clark said that the Millennium Declaration painted a broad canvas and that on development, “the Declaration was specific, and its elements formed the basis of what were to become the MDGs.” 

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Linking post-2015 development agenda and financing for development

The Co-chairs for the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing (ICESDF), Mansur Muhtar and Pertti Majanen recently gave a briefing on their Report which has been before the UN General Assembly. 

As can be seen in the IISD Report below Mansur Muhtar referred to the need for a “sizable pool of resources” for the post-2015 development agenda and Pertti Majanen stressed that post-2015 plans focused on implementation at the national level. George Talbot, one of the co-facilitators for the International Conference on Financing for Development reflected on the Conference itself. 

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Accountability and the post-2015 development agenda – No 3

Discussions in General Assembly Second Committee

As reported by the IISD, on 31 October 2014 the UN General Assembly Second Committee (which discussed economic and financial issues) held a panel discussion on 'Promoting accountability at all levels: monitoring the post-2015 development agenda,' during which participants identifed principles for an accountability mechanism for the post-2015 development agenda, and opportunities for its design. 

It was chaired by Borg Tsien Tham (Singapore), Rapporteur of the Second Committee, who opened the discussion, saying that the UNGA has a "critical role" to play in providing policy guidance for strengthening a development accountability mechanism.

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Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform — adds post-2015 portal

The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) has added a portal on the post-2015 process: 2015: Time for global action for people and planet.

There are two pages – a ‘description’ page and a page on ‘work streams’.

The ‘description’ page refers to the establishment of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, and its resulting proposal for 17 goals and 169 targets. It also notes the appointment of the Permanent Representatives of Kenya and Ireland as co-facilitators to lead consultations on the post-2015 development agenda up to the Summit in September. It states that the “post-2015 development agenda will address the need for a monitoring and accountability framework, as well as fleshing out a revitalized global partnership for sustainable development.”

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Consultations to continue on Post-2015 summit modalities 

Ib Petersen, Permanent Representative of Denmark, and Robert Aisi, Permanent Representative of Papua New Guinea, have been re-appointed as co-facilitators to continue consultations to finalize the draft resolution on the organizational modalities for the UN summit to adopt the post-2015 development agenda.

Petersen and Aisi co-facilitated consultations on the modalities during the 68th UNGA session, and submitted a draft resolution that constituted the basis for a consensus, per their letter of 12 September. It resolution was forwarded to UNGA 69 for action.

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