The new development agenda: six priorities from Amina J Mohammed

What lessons can we learn from the MDGs? Ban Ki Moon’s special adviser on post-2015 development shares her to-do list
Amina J Mohammed has set out her priorities for the post-2015 development agenda in a recent article in the Guardian newspaper. She emphasizes: universality — the new goals must apply to all countries; being ‘fit-for-purpose’ and for government, donors, civil society and the private sector to change to do things differently; redefining the private sector partnership; a realistic yet ambitious agenda (i) starting with an inspirational vision for the future, made plain in a declaration, (ii) a practical plan for that declaration laid out in an integrated set of goals, targets and indicators, (iii) adequate means to implement the plan and a renewed global partnership for development and (iv) ensuring promises made become actions delivered, a framework to be able to monitor and review implementation; and involving young people and other marginalised groups now.
Editor’s comment: The assumption that might be made, is that Ms Mohammed’s priorities will be reflected in the UN Secretary-General’s synthesis report which is due to be published in English on Thursday.
For full article visit The Guardian.
Amina J. Mohammed, UN Secretary-General’s special adviser on the post-2015 development planning. Photograph: Niu Xiaolei/Niu Xiaolei/Xinhua Press/Corbis
In 2000, world leaders came together and agreed to the eight millennium development goals – an unprecedented framework under which we have seen incredible progress against poverty and other challenges faced by the world’s most poor; business-as-usual at the UN is neither desirable nor feasible;
But the world has changed radically in the last 15 years and we must now expand on progress, build on existing momentum and learn from the lessons the MDGs have offered us.
The new goals must apply to all countries
The sustainable development agenda cannot only be about a handful of poor countries but must instead be a universal – concerned with the rights of all people and the actions of all stakeholders everywhere. We need to emphasise shared responsibilities for a shared future of hope, opportunity and dignity for all.
Both developed and developing countries will have to do their part and commit to good governance, rule of law and the fight against corruption in order to realise the post-2015 development agenda. But universality does not mean uniformity. The targets and indicators that will accompany the future development goals should be tailored to ensure that they are relevant and responsive to every country and region. This will require a bold and inclusive process.
Business-as-usual at the UN is neither desirable nor feasible
The UN is an organisation of sovereign member states, with its own rules and procedures that have often allowed for limited representation of other groups. But the post-2015 discussions have so far seen unprecedented outreach, allowing for increased participation from a wide range of stakeholders.
The sustainable development goals will require huge resources and this will have serious implications on our existing business models. We must rethink how the UN and the multitude of actors deliver value and remain a relevant and effective partner to support member states.
In part, that is about giving up the ‘fire brigade approach’ to development and looking again at root causes. Democracy says: “I’ve got to shift in four years and in [that time] I’ve got to immediately deliver a dividend to my constituency and so I can’t really think about the root causes - that’s going to take a couple of decades.” Therefore, we have to build institutions that do that and allow politicians to come and go but ensure that the institutions stay and the essential services get delivered.
The requirement to be ‘fit-for-purpose’ should change government, donors, civil society and the private sector
For a while now there have been many who have got onto a cycle of expectations in terms of project funding and what they deliver in return. This will have to change.
We need to do things differently to respond to - and involve - the people we say we are trying to represent. Being fit for purpose is going to change the way entrepreneurs operate, people fund, the skill sets that you use and yes, you do have to change but, no, you don’t have to worry about losing your job. There is plenty to do to deliver a transformative agenda.
This applies equally but differently to donors and governments who will find that the integration and synergies in the way targets are set will take powers and resources and mandates away from people and organisations who have always worked in silos.
We must redefine private sector partnership
The private sector also has responsibilities and all must work in partnership, within and across sectors. Indeed, partnership is critical but means so much more than just collaboration. Partnership is about the integration of visions, values, plans, accountability, resources and knowledge sharing. How many of our public institutions and private organisations can claim to be in true partnership that deliver meaningful benefits for people and planet?
A realistic yet ambitious agenda starts with four things
1 An inspirational vision for the future, made plain in a declaration.
2 A practical plan for that declaration laid out in an integrated set of goals, targets and indicators.
3 Adequate means to implement the plan and a renewed global partnership for development (See:
4 And to ensure promises made become actions delivered, a framework to be able to monitor and review implementation.
Involve young people and other marginalised groups now
The opportunity to engage young people and other excluded groups gives me most optimism. They have vision, ability and energy. Many of us leaders, who are responsible [for leading transformation in development], would like to think that we have vision, but we certainly don’t have the same energy. We must figure out a way to let everyone, and especially the young, play their part, without negating our own responsibilities towards them. No one should be left behind
Amina J Mohammed is the special adviser to the UN Secretary-General on post-2015 development planning