Indicators — where are we now and next steps

Written by Katrin Erlingsen, Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW)
The SDSN has published a new report on indicators. They are suggesting 100 indicators to monitor the goals and targets as outlined in the OWG report. In addition they are suggesting complementary national indicators which countries can choose to include in their monitoring. “These would be applicable to some countries only, such as indicators for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs); would give countries greater scope in applying complex concepts, such as inequality, to their specific needs; and/or allow for greater specificity on issues of national concern. The Complementary National Indicators represent a menu of options for countries to choose from, though the list we include is far from exhaustive.” (page 7).
For report click here.
Under health it includes:
17 Maternal mortality ratio (MDG Indicator) and rate
19 HIV prevalence, treatment rate, and mortality (modified MDG Indicator)
31 Contraceptive prevalence rate (MDG Indicator)
And the following complementary national indicators:
3.1. Percentage of births attended by skilled health personnel (MDG Indicator)
3.2. Antenatal care coverage (at least one visit and at least four visits) (MDG Indicator)
3.3. Post-natal care coverage (one visit)
3.4. Coverage of iron-folic acid supplements for pregnant women (%)
3.8. Percent HIV+ pregnant women receiving PMTCT
3.15. Percentage of suspected malaria cases that receive a parasitological test
3.16. Percentage of pregnant women receiving malaria IPT (in endemic areas)
3.31. Percentage of population with access to affordable essential drugs and commodities on a sustainable basis
Under gender it includes:
41 Prevalence of women 15-49 who have experienced physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner in the last 12 months
42 Percentage of referred cases of sexual and gender-based violence against women and children that are investigated and sentenced
43 Percentage of women aged 20-24 who were married or in a union before age 18
44 Prevalence of harmful traditional practices, including female genital mutilation
47 Met demand for family planning (modified MDG Indicator)
48 Total fertility rate
Complementary National Indicators:
5.4. Mean age of mother at birth of first child
5.5. Percentage of young people receiving comprehensive sexuality education
The report also includes information on who is currently working with these indicators. Annex 2 includes more detailed information on each suggested indicator.