Leading to ICPD30 No 1: European Regional Conference on International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD)

The annotated provisional agenda for the Regional Conference on International Conference on Population and Development, to be held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland on 19-20 October 2023, is now available.
(a) High-level plenary session
The Conference will begin with a High-level plenary session including opening statements by the recently appointed UNECE Executive Secretary, Ms Tatiana Molcean of Moldova, and the Executive Director of UNFPA, followed by a keynote address.
30 years after Cairo: The International Conference on Population and Development
Following the election of two co-chairs and the adoption of the agenda, there will be a segment highlighting the continued relevance and importance of the ICPD Programme of Action (PoA), adopted in Cairo in 1994, and how its implementation contributes to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda). The ICPD Principles agreed in Cairo, such as “the prioritization of individuals’ rights and choices over numerical population targets and the focus on gender equality” can be construed as key signposts for “developing constructive, forward-looking and evidence-based responses that build demographic resilience by improving individual well-being and expanding human capital”. During the session linkages between demographic change and health, including sexual and reproductive health (SRH), education, and gender equality across the life course will be considered.
Report on the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe region
The report on the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action in the region will then be considered, with the secretariat sharing the key findings on progress in its implementation during the past five years. Key trends and persistent and emerging challenges, related to population and sustainable development across the region, will be included. Ms Florence Bauer, UNFPA Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia will make a presentation on challenges and progress in implementing the PoA, after which there will be statements from Member States and general discussion.
(b) Thematic sessions
The co-chairs will moderate the thematic sessions with a rapporteur briefly summarizing the discussion after each session. There will be three to four panellists, including representatives of Governments, academia, civil society and international organizations, who will set the stage for the discussion at each thematic session through the introduction of core ICPD-related issues and their implications for the SDGs from a broad and forward-looking perspective. This will be followed by statements and comments from Member States, researchers, CSO representatives, youth representatives and other participants, with each intervention being limited to three minutes. (The secretariat will open a subscription process for interventions by Member States in September 2023 after the registration of the nominated delegates is closed.)
In their interventions, participants may consider referring to main achievements and obstacles in implementing the ICPD Programme of Action during the past five years, in addition to priorities and future actions in their countries. Each session will begin or conclude with a series of two or three brief highlights “showcasing the innovative policy approaches or technological innovations related to the theme”.
Population dynamics and sustainable development
This theme will address the interrelations between gender equality, demographic change, inclusive economic growth and sustainable development. Topics for discussion include:
- Changing age and household structure of the region’s population and the socioeconomic implications of such shifts
- Low fertility
- Impact of international migration and urbanization
- Investments in youth
- Reconciliation of work and family life, redistribution of unpaid care work and gender-responsive family policies
- Full participation of older persons, especially women, as drivers of sustainable development
The session will consider diverse policy responses in the region and “highlight opportunities for a harmonious balance between social, economic, and environmental development centred on principles of human rights and gender equality”.
Families, sexual and reproductive health over the life course
This session will consider topics related to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights in the context of extended life courses and on matters related to family formation. It is expected that the existence of policy frameworks and efforts of countries to improve policy implementation will be highlighted. The following will be addressed:
- Diversity of family forms
- Provision of socioeconomic support for family well-being
- Policy responses and financial mechanisms to reduce inequalities in the area of SRH
- Youth-friendly services and access to information on SRH
- Sustainable and integrated approaches to the prevention of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and sexually transmitted infections
Inequalities, social inclusion and rights
This session will focus on inequality and vulnerable population groups, as well as on the factors that contribute to the formation or alleviation of these inequities, which will be discussed in the context of diverse demographic realities, with attention paid to:
- Development
- Health
- Education
- Gender equality and women’s empowerment
The discussion will explore efforts by countries “to expand individual opportunities by investing in their capacities and enabling them to access resources and realise their rights. Strides made in combatting gender-based violence, abuse and neglect of older persons, persons with disabilities, and undocumented migrants will be highlighted” giving special attention to policies and mechanisms that foster social inclusion and encompass a rights-based approach in enabling choices and opportunities for all, regardless of gender, class, race etc…
(c) Closing plenary session of the Conference
One co-chair will present the highlights of the two-day discussions with the Conference conclusions being published as part of the report. The draft report will be presented by the secretariat.
There will be a briefing on the global ICPD30 review, together with the modalities for incorporating the regional review outcomes in the deliberations of the 57th session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD57) in 2024.
Closing statements will be made by UNECE and UNFPA, after which a co-chair will close the Conference.
A tentative timetable, extracted from ECE/AC.32/2023/1 is available here.