Entries by Richard (1726)


Rio+20: What about population dynamics and reproductive health?

The UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) 'Rio+20' will take place in June this year. The conference will be an important event that is set to not only drive the sustainable development agenda, but influence the international development agenda post-2015. Yet unless the SRHR community acts soon, population dynamics and sexual and reproductive health are likely to remain off the agenda.

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Demystifying General Assembly resolution A/RES/65/234

Demystifying the UN process for reviewing progress made in implementing the ICPD Programme of Action, leading up to the Special Session of the General Assembly in 2014.

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Report of the two day stakeholder meeting in Istanbul, Turkey in December 2011 held by UNFPA

Download the full text of the report here: http://ngosbeyond2014.org/storage/Istanbul_report_final.pdf


ICPD Beyond 2014 Civil Society Stakeholder Group (Part 3)

ICPD and the Roadmap to Rio During the workshop a presentation was given via a video message by Ms Chantal Line Carpentier, Sustainable Development Officer & Major Groups Programme Coordinator, UNDESA, Division for Sustainable Development on the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio + 20.

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ICPD Beyond 2014 Civil Society Stakeholder Group (Part 2)

UN Development Agenda Beyond 2015/ICPD Beyond 2014 – the Global Context Gita Sen, Professor, Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India, gave a presentation on the UN Development Agenda Beyond 2015/ICPD Beyond 2014 – the Global Context. She pointed out the challenge of three global process taking place simultaneously, ie Rio + 20, with its High-Level Meeting in 2012; ICPD Beyond 2014; and the 15 year review of the MDGs and what will follow them.

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ICPD Beyond 2014 Civil Society Stakeholder Group (Part 1)

UNFPA held a 2-day ICPD Beyond 2014 Civil Society Stakeholder Group Consultation in Istanbul, Turkey, on 9-10 December 2011. It provided an opportunity for some 50 representatives of Civil Society and Youth Organizations to be informed and to share information about the ICPD beyond 2014 operational review process; to discuss its component parts; and to identify thematic issues for consideration. In addition, it gave CSOs and Youth Organizations an opportunity to get feedback as to how they can be involved more effectively in the process.

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Global family planning community gathers for international conference

Dakar, 29th November 2011 – Marie Stopes International is honoured to have been invited to deliver 21 presentations, panels and posters at this esteemed global conference. Drawing on experience from across its 40 country programmes, Marie Stopes International will bring a range of family planning priorities to the fore. As key contributors, the organisation will present on: reaching the underserved; partnering with the private sector; engaging with younger generations; and task shifting amongst the global health workforce.

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UNFPA: 1 of 7 Billion A Global Film Competition

UNFPA is running a Global Film Competition, open to all those who are committed to upholding the rights of others and maintaining a sustainable environment. Film professionals and amateurs, individuals or legal entities, are invited to participate. 

Entries may be submitted through Votigo or Facebook starting on October 31, 2011.

The deadline for submissions will be 9pm GMT on February 15, 2012 and the winners will be announced on 8 March, 2012, which is International Women’s Day. 

Submission Requirements:

    •    Films must be in digital form.

    •    Films should be from 1 to 10 minutes in length, including credits.

    •    Entries must have English subtitles if presented in another language.

    •    The author of the piece will be responsible for the originality of the work.

    •    Each entry must focus on one or more of the 7 key issues of the 7 Billion Actions campaign.

    •    Each team or individual may submit up to two short films.

    •    Films must be accompanied by an online entry form.

For further information, and an entry form (when available) please visit the 7billionactions.org webiste.


CSO Survey in preparation of ICPD Beyond 2014

UNFPA is requesting your participation in the CSO Stakeholder Survey for ICPD Beyond 2014.

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Global CSO Stakeholder Meeting, Istanbul 9-10 December 2011

As the ICPD Beyond 2014 operational review process continues to move into action, the December 9-10 global CSO stakeholder meeting in Istanbul, marks a joint effort to share information and receive feedback on the ICPD Programme of Action as it stands today nearly 20 years later, while also examining the current approach of the Global Survey.

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