Entries by Richard (1726)


Call for abstracts — Global Maternal Health Conference 2013: Improving quality of care 

GMHC2013 is a technical conference for scientists, researchers, and policy-makers to network, share knowledge, and build on progress toward eradicating preventable maternal mortality and morbidity by improving quality of care.

The conference is co-sponsored by Management and Development for Health, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and the Maternal Health Task Force at the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA.

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Maria Jose Alcalá appointed Director of the Secretariat for the High Level Task Force for ICPD 

The High Level Task Force (HLTF), which is co-chaired by former Presidents Tarja Halonen of Finland and Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique has appointed Maria Jose Alcalá as the Director of its Secretariat. 

The Task Force will help to “galvanize political will to support and advance the ICPD and subsequent agreements on sexual and reproductive health and rights as part of the ICPD+20 and MDGs+15 review processes and the follow-up work on Rio+20”. It will produce a position paper based on wide national and international consultations to provide “a bold strategic vision that will be used to inspire both government leaders and civil society to mobilize the strongest possible support for sexual and reproductive rights in the ICPD+20, MDGs+15, and the post 2015 development agenda.”

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Beyond 2015 – creating a post-2015 development framework

Updated on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 6:42PM by Registered CommenterRichard

Currently, the UN Development Group (UNDG) is facilitating national post-2015 consultations in over 50 countries to stimulate discussion amongst national stakeholders (government representatives, NGOs, civil society, community-based organizations (CBOs), indigenous peoples, women’s and social movements, youth and children, and the private sector) and to gather inputs and ideas for a shared global vision of The Future We Want.  The consultations are taking place between June 2012 and the end of the first quarter of 2013. The results of the country consultations are expected to have been recorded by June 2013 to be included in a global UNDG report that is expected to inform the post-2015 discussions.

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Register for Women Deliver

Registration is now open for the 3rd Women Deliver Global Conference through the www.wd2013.org website. Early bird registration is available un to 31 January 2013. 

More than 5,000 participants are expected to attend from over 150 countries. The website also gives up-to-date information on the programme including the Plenaries and Sessions and the Forums and Satellite Events — the Ministers Forum; the Parliamentarians Forum and the Partner Events and Meetings.

All sessions will relate to the overarching themes of Investing in Girls and Women; Reducing Unmet Need; and Looking to 2015 and Beyond


Asia-Pacific youth advocates learn how to influence the ICPD Beyond 2014

BANGKOK: Young people’s active involvement is often cited as critical to shaping the post-2015 development agenda, but substantive participation requires a thorough grasp of the issues and solid advocacy skills. To empower young activists to influence the ICPD and MDG review processes, UNFPA’s Asia and Pacific Regional Office and the Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights organized an innovative training workshop here from 26-29 June.

For further information please visit the Beyond 2015  and Youth Coalition websites.


Lancet Series on Family Planning, published July 10, 2012

The Lancet Series on Family Planning was published ahead of the London Summit on Family Planning. It brings together the latest thinking underpinning the Summit, clearly showing how lack of access to family planning carries a huge price, not only in terms of women's and children's health and survival but also in economic terms.

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Press release: London Summit on Family Planning 

London Summit on Family Planning, 11 July 2012, results in commitments to reach an additional 120 million women with voluntary family planning services by 2020

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Written Declaration from the Council of Europe

London Summit on Family Planning 11 July 2012: access to contraceptives for 120 million more women by 2020


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Live stream of the London Summit on Family Planning

The live stream of the London Summit on Family Planning is currently available from http://www.londonfamilyplanningsummit.co.uk/


London Summit on Family Planning — Agenda

The [final] agenda for the London Summit on Family Planning is available for download here.

Source: http://www.londonfamilyplanningsummit.co.uk/