Carrying out the Global Survey in Uganda

Dr Betty Kyaddondo, Head of the Family Health Department of the Population Secrearariat in Uganda,whites that:
The process for carrying out the Global Survey in Uganda started in early 2012 with meetings at the regional level in-country involving all the districts. From the outset NGOs have been included on the technical and other groups that are overseeing the process.
Two consultants have been hired to collect the data and information and an overall coordinating committee has been set up on which UNFPA is represented by the Deputy Country Representative. The Population Secretariat (POPSEC), which is within the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MOFPED), is coordinating the process. The Steering Committee is chaired by POPSEC and UNFPA, UNDP and the MOFPED are members.
A Task Force has also been established, again chaired by POPSEC. Membership includes line ministries, parliamentarians and NGOs. Its main task is to liaise with the consultants in facilitating consultations in the process of data collection and it will also validate the Consultants draft report.
Dr Betty Kyaddondo, Head of the Family Health Department of the Population Secrearariat in Uganda