Commitments made at the London Summit on Family Planning published

The full set of commitments made at the London Summit on Family Planning in July has been published. Please be sure to share your governments commitment with your partners, parliamentarians and other civil society organizations.
As reported by IPPF, a 2-day workshop will be held in New York on Tuesday and Wednesday, 17 and 18 September to discuss the next steps to the London Summit.
The agenda will include the following areas.
a) Provide an update on the achievements of the global community at the Summit;
b) Review the methodology, analyses, and data sources employed to establish the Summit Objectives;
c) Review and solicit feedback on the Accountability Annex, particularly with regard to the planned Family Planning 2020 Reference Group and Task Team;
d) Discuss and provide recommendations to the planned Task Team Working Groups and ensure synergies with existing global architecture; and
e) Consider next steps for working with countries to support and advance their Family Planning goals
Any comments and observations of those who signed the London Summit Declaration should be sent to TODAY 14 September by 1.30 BST so that IPPF can represent the collective thoughts of CSOs globally at the meeting.
Replies received later may not be included as access to this email address will be limited.