Entries by Richard (1726)


You are invited to join chat on global development agenda beyond 2015

There will be a  livechat on the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) Facebook page on the post-2015 development agenda on 20 November from 9:00 to 11:00 am to share opinions, questions and concerns about the post-2015 process. 

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Nomination process for FP 2020 Reference Group membership

The nomination process has opened for the FP 2020 Reference Group to all civil society organizations. The necessary information can be found at http://www.londonfamilyplanningsummit.co.uk/fp2020.php

Please note that the closing date is 15 November 2012 at 17.00 hours EST.


Online discussion on Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities on development and rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people

The online discussion on development and rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people for the Addressing inequalities Thematic Consultation has started. It is a collaborative effort between the Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities (co-led by UNICEF and UN Women), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the LGBT rights advocacy organization ARC International. It will run until 30 November. 

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Thematic think pieces for the Post-2015 Development Agenda

The thematic think pieces that have produced by the UN System Task Force on key issues for the post-2015 development agenda can be found on the official website for the MDGs. In addition to addressing the thematic areas there are others that look at issues such as countries with special needs; culture, a driver and enabler of sustainable development; and social protection: A development priority in the post-2015 UN development agenda.

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Update on Health Thematic Consultation Process  

Activities are taking place related to different parts of the Health Thematic Consultation process and some deadlines have already passed.

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Opportunities for Civil Society input

The deadline has now passed for applications for organizing the regional and global civil society consultations.

Civil society organizations can however respond to the Call for Papers up to 15 December. 

As previously announced they can also contribute to the development of a Civil Society Position Paper for the consultation on health in the post-2015 UN development agenda based on input by a wide range of civil society organizations and in particular on the perspectives of the Global South. Those wishing to participate actively in the discussion to ensure that sexual and reproductive health and rights are included in the Beyond 2015 position paper, should send their input to the coordinators, Medicus Mundi International, either in the form of full papers or just key statements, referring to one or more of the key themes (see also guiding questions and sub-questions) of the UN consultation:

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Deadline for call for proposals from civil society organizations to host consultation meeting(s) on health in the post-2015 agenda - 2 NOVEMBER 2012  

A call for proposals from civil society organizations to host consultation meeting(s) on health in the post-2015 agenda has been announced on the World We Want 2015 website. The deadline for applying is 2 November 2012

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High Level Panel Meeting and Civil Society Engagement in London, 1 & 2 November 2012

The High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (HLP) is holding its second meeting in London on 1 November. The meeting will be focused on poverty at the individual and household level, through the themes of human development, and jobs and livelihoods. 

Back-to- back with this meeting on 2 November the Beyond 2015 campaign and other partners are coordinating global civil society engagement with the HLP with two events: a roundtable with limited participation (30 organizations) and a civil society dialogue (200 organizations). One of the objectives of the HLP meeting is to provide an opportunity for civil society perspectives and expertise on the post-2015 agenda by providing a space for global civil society to engage with the process to create the post-MDG framework.

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The following has been received on the Civil Society Dialogue in London with the High Level Panel on Post-2015 Development Agenda

The second meeting of the HLP will take place on 1 November 2012 in London, UK followed by a day of engagement with civil society on 2 November 2012. 

All representatives of civil society groups with an interest in the post-2015 agenda are invited to register for a Civil Society Dialogue with the High Level Panel that will take place on 2 November from 16:00 – 17:45 in London.

Attendance at the event will be strictly limited with registration open to only 200 people. Only one registration per organisation will be accepted. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. No funding is available to assist with attendance at this event.

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Global Survey for ICPD Beyond 2014 Update – 22 October 2012

There are fewer than 10 days to go to 31 October, the date for the submission by countries of the Global Survey. If you have involved in its completion in your own country and would like to tell us about it so that we can share your experiences with others through the website, please email your comments to us

UNFPA has published the Country Implementation Profiles (CIPs) that have been developed using available data on key indicators.  They provide background data to countries and to civil society to support the survey process and are a useful source of information.