Moving towards the third meeting of the High Level Panel in January 2013

As reported by Homi Kharas, Lead Author/Executive Secretary HLP Secretariat, the second meeting of the High Level Panel (Post2015 HLP), held in London, UK, at the beginning of November 2012, focused on:(i) defining the overall vision and main questions that will frame the report of HLP, and (ii) discussion on individual and household level poverty. These discussion topics included 1) human development, and 2) jobs, livelihoods, and how to reach the poorest and most marginalized. (See attached for further information on meeting.)
At the third meeting in Monrovia, Liberia in the new year, the Post2015 HLP will discuss national growth, economic transformation, and development. This will be followed by global partnership and means of implementation at the fourth meeting in Bali, Indonesia.
24 Framing Questions
In London the Panelists decided on 24 framing questions (attached) to guide the work of the Post2015 HLP and considerations vis-à-vis the overall agenda and to inform the report. These have also been posted online at the temporary Panel website,, as well as on for stakeholder inputs. A new website for the High Level Panel will be available shortly. These questions will guide the Post2015 HLP discussions and serve as a base for the many outreach and consultation activities in which its members engage.
Civil society organizations are invited to respond to the same set of framing questions that the Post2015HLP members are considering. Its Secretariat is therefore collaborating with the United Nations Non-Governmental Organization Liaison Service (NGLS) and other stakeholders including the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and the Global Compact to reach out to a broad range of civil society, scientific and private sector stakeholders across the world.
There is a firm commitment from the UN Secretary General and the Post2015 HLP that the output from the ongoing work must be concrete, inspirational and informed by the needs of people and the planet. The terms of reference containing its mandate requires the members and the support Secretariat to 'engage and consult widely with relevant constituencies at national, regional and global levels', in order to enhance ongoing efforts of ensuring the report emerges out of a truly open and inclusive process that engages people from all parts of the world and all sections of society.
Input, maximum 400 words, can be received between Monday10 December 2012 and Friday 11 January 2013, to each of the questions using the following email address copied to as well as eventually online at
24 questions and sexual and reproductive health and rights
It will be important to ensure that replies are submitted to the respective questions that include references to sexual and reproductive health and rights. Insofar as some of the questions are related to the MDGs, the attention of the Panel members should be drawn to the problems of the ‘late entry’ of Target 5B on ‘Universal access to reproductive health’ has meant that some countries have not focused on it fully. Likewise it should be noted that while progress has, of course, been made in reducing maternal mortality, it remains unacceptably high in sub-Saharan Africa and in some other countries. The questions provide a unique opportunity to contribute directly to the work of the Post2015 HLP.