Entries by Richard (1726)


Thematic consultation round-up (continued)

Food security and nutrition

The consultation on hunger, food and nutrition security has started and will run until March 2013. It is co-chaired by FAO and WFP, together with the other Rome-based agencies, IFAD and Bioversity International, and with support of Dr. David Nabarro, Special Representative of the SG for Food Security and Nutrition.  Contributing partners include UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNIDO, and UNDESA.

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Thematic consultation round-up  

The consultations of greatest relevance to sexual and reproductive health and rights are those on Health and Population Dynamics. It is, however, important to contribute to as many other consultations as possible in order to ensure that relevant sexual and reproductive health and rights concerns are reflected in discussions.

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Food security and nutrition

The consultation on hunger, food and nutrition security has started and will run until March 2013. It is co-chaired by FAO and WFP, together with the other Rome-based agencies, IFAD and Bioversity International, and with support of Dr. David Nabarro, Special Representative of the SG for Food Security and Nutrition. (Contributing partners include UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNIDO, and UNDESA.)

The e-consultation up to 21 December 2012 is focused on three themes on key lessons learned and challenges and opportunities; what works best and current initiatives; and objectives, targets and indicators for the post-2015 global development framework. To post comments go to http://www.fao.org/fsnforum/post2015/

There will be a consultation with the stakeholders of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), in late January/early February 2013; and a high level experts consultation in March 2013, hosted by the Government of Spain.


Global Thematic Consultation on Conflict, Violence and Disaster and the post – 2015 Agenda  

This area of the World We Want 2015 website is dedicated to the Global Thematic Consultation on Conflict, Violence and Disaster and the post – 2015 Agenda and is co-convened by UNDP, UNICEF, the UN Peacebuilding Support Office (UNPBSO) and the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) in partnership with the Government of Finland.

Civil society, private sector, bilateral and multi-lateral organizations, policy makers, government officials, donors, UN entities and all other stakeholders are invited to discuss and develop strategic options for integrating peace and security goals in the successor development framework for the MDGs.

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Growth and Employment in the Post-2015 Development Agenda  

The Growth and Employment in the Post-2015 Development Agenda thematic consultation has begun with the posting of articles and key documents for the conference on this topic that took place in Tokyo, on 15-16 May 2012, co-organized by UNDP and ILO and hosted by the Government of Japan.


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Global consultation has begun on Water in the Post-2015 Development Agenda  

Water and sanitation are recognized as essential for human well-being, economic development and a healthy environment. At the same time water-related natural disasters such as storms, floods and droughts have devastating impacts on the lives of millions of people, on our economies and on the environment. This consultation will allow for a global and open discussion on all aspects of water while also organizing three sub-consultations on WASH, Water Resources Management and Wastewater and Water Quality. (See website for further information)

The global consultation on Water in the Post-2015 Development Agenda has begun with two questions for discussion:

To register for the consultation click here


Registration is open for Women Deliver 2013

Early-bird registration is open until 31 January 2013 for the 3rd Women Deliver conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 28-30 2013. More than 5,000 participants from Ministries of Health, Finance and Development Cooperation, Parliaments, leading civil society organizations, global companies, media and more.

Over 120 concurrent sessions, high-level plenaries, skills-building workshops, and ministerial and parliamentarian forums are planned.

In addition several partner meetings are planned for the day before and day following the conference. For more information see the Partner Events and Meetings page, which will be frequently updated.


Environmental sustainability thematic consultation begins

The objective of the UNDP and UNEP environmental sustainability global consultation is to “facilitate an open dialogue that brings together a multitude of voices to stimulate creative thinking and begin to generate consensus around how best to reflect environmental sustainability in the post-2015 agenda.”

In addition it will provide an opportunity to take stock of the progress and shortcomings of MDG 7 on Environmental Sustainability and gauge the opportunities of alternative development paths.

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Thematic consultation on Population Dynamics begins

Civil society is invited to join policy makers, government officials, donors, UN staff and all other stakeholders in discussing the scope and priorities of the post-2015 development agenda in the consultation on population dynamics in the post-2015 UN development agenda. 

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High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons… next steps

The High-Level Panel (HLP) of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda held its second meeting in London on 1 November 2012 and met with civil society the following day.

The HLP meetings with civil society comprised a roundtable with 30 civil society organizations (CSOs) and groupings; a meeting with the private sector; a meeting with young people and a Town Hall meeting with a broader range of CSOs. The roundtable provided an opportunity for a small number of CSOs to make specific recommendations for the Post-2015 Development Agenda, while the Town Hall meeting provided an opportunity for a greater number of organizations to put their key issues across.

Homi Kharas from the Brooklyn Institute, who is responsible for writing the first draft of the HLP report for the Secretary-General, pointed out that five meetings of the Panel are planned. The HLP’s work will be divided into three phases:

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