Global Leadership Meetings at conclusion of the Thematic Consultations

The World We Want website now has a calendar that includes up-to-date information on the Global Leadership Meetings (GLMs) for the thematic consultations, which are planned to take place between now and early April. These GLMs will culminate the processes for the each of the consultations, with the e-discussions continuing and Government briefings, Private Sector Briefings and Civil Society Organization meetings taking place in the meantime.
Further information will be posted, as it becomes available, on this NGOs Beyond 2014 website and added to our timetable and calendar.
31 January–1 February 2013 – Conflict and Fragility Thematic Consultation, Panama & 13 March – Global Leadership Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, on Citizen Security
A Conflict and Fragility Consultation on Citizen Security will be held in Panama at the end of January/beginning of February. It will be followed by a Global Leadership Meeting in Helsinki, Finland in mid-March.
This consultation is lead by UNDP, UNICEF, the UN Peacebuilding Support Office (UNPBSO) and the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) in partnership with the Government of Finland.
19-20 February 2013 -- Global Leadership Meeting on Inequalities, Copenhagen, Denmark
The consultation will culminate with this small, high-level meeting of key decision-makers in government, civil society and the UN. The purpose of this ‘Leadership Meeting’ is to review the findings of the discussions and present a statement and recommendations on how to address inequalities in the post-2015 agenda.
UNICEF and UN Women convene this consultation is co-convened, in partnership with Denmark.
27-28 February 2013 -- Global Leadership Meeting on Governance and the Post-2015 Framework, Johannesburg, South Africa
The Final Meeting for the Global Thematic Consultation on Governance and the Post-2015 Framework will be held at the Pan-African Parliament, Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. The political partners are the Government of Germany (donor) and South Africa (host), with the Pan-African Parliament as the operational partner. UNDP and OHCHR are the organizers.
The consultation aims to build a shared vision and ownership of how global, regional, national and sub-national governance and accountability should be integrated within the intergovernmental process to inform on the post-2015 development agenda, including discussing a menu of options for integration.
UNDP and OHCHR invite stakeholders to express their interest in attending in the meeting. There are limited funds available.
3-7 March 2013 – Global Leadership Meeting on Population Dynamics, Dhaka, Bangladesh
The Global Leadership Meeting on Population Dynamics will take place in Dhaka Bangladesh. The consultation on population dynamics is co-convened by UN-DESA, UNFPA, UN-HABITAT and IOM, in partnership with the Government of Switzerland.
5-6 March 2013 – Global Leadership Meeting on Health, Botswana
The Global Leadership Meeting on Health will be held in Botswana.
The platform is co-convened by WHO and UNICEF, in collaboration with the Government of Sweden and the Government of Botswana.
18-20 March 2013 – Global Leadership Meeting on Education, Dakar, Senegal
The Global Leadership Meeting on Education will take place in Dakar, Senegal in March.
The co-convenors for this consultation are UNICEF and UNESCO and it is financed by Germany and Canada.
21-22 March 2013 – Global Leadership Meeting on Water Thematic Consultation
The Global Leadership Meeting on the Water Thematic Consultation will be held in March. The venue is to be confirmed.
This consultation is convened by UN Water, UNICEF and the UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)
4 April 2013 – Global Leadership Meeting on Hunger, Food and Nutrition Security, Madrid, Spain
The Hunger, Food and Nutrition meeting will be held in Madrid, Spain in early April.
FAO and WFP co-chair the thematic consultation on Hunger, Food and Nutrition Security, together with the other Rome-based agencies, IFAD and Bioversity International, and with support of Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Food Security and Nutrition.