
Invitation to the Global SDG 7 Conference, 21-23 February 2018, Bangkok

Recognizing the importance of energy for sustainable development, the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has devoted Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) to energy - the first-ever universal goal on energy, with five targets on access, efficiency, renewables and means of implementation. SDG 7 is inextricably interlinked to other SDGs and related targets,…

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Call for Exhibition: HLPF 2018

Please note that DSD has launched a call for proposals of exhibitions sponsored by Member States, UN system and other Inter-Governmental Organizations as well as accredited Major Groups and other stakeholders, which will be welcomed at the UN Headquarters in New York, on the margins of the High-Level Political Forum 2018 (HLPF 2018)…

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The UN SDG Action Campaign are calling for nominations for the inaugural UN SDG Action Challenge Awards program!

In order to achieve Agenda 2030, we will need to learn from some of the greatest innovators, mobilizers, connectors, storytellers, communicators, visualizers and includers from across the globe! This awards program aims to find these change-makers and celebrate achievements being made in every corner of the earth, which all form a critical contribution to the international sustainable development movement…

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Sixth meeting of the IAEG-SDGs, 11-14 November, Update 6

Eric Swanson, of the Open Data Watch (ODW) gave a presentation on Gender Data and the SDGs during the session on SDG implementation and reporting at national, regional, global and thematic levels. He referred to the 53 indicators among the SDGs, as identified by UN Women to be disaggregated by sex or are gender-specific indicators. He also noted that among them are 11 disability indicators. There are an additional 33 indicators that can and should be disaggregated by sex and other attributes…

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(12 Dec - 9 am NYC time) Webex briefing on the Second Committee

DSD is organizing a briefing for Major Groups and other stakeholders regarding the UNGA 2nd Committee resolutions. Colleagues from DESA and other offices will provide updates and answer questions you may have. We will share a detailed agenda this Friday. 

The briefing will take place on Tuesday, 12 December, 9 am NYC time. Webex details can be found below, please share them with your networks…

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GeoCensos statement: Specially prepared for the 9th SCA - ECLAC meeting at the INEGI building in Aguascalientes, Mexico November 14 to 16, 2017

We have received the following: 

We would like to share here a statement we submitted with NGOs of 12 countries to a SDG - related conference in Latin America and the Caribbean. We would like to share and discuss with interested parties in the spirit of the data revolution and preparing ourselves for next World Data Forum .


Sixth meeting of the IAEG-SDGs, 11-14 November, Update 5

SDG Indicator 5.1.1

UN Women, the World Bank and OECD Development Centre, with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights are custodial agencies for Indicator 5.1.1 Whether or not legal frameworks are in place to promote, enforce and monitor equality and non-discrimination on the basis of sex. This indicator will track progress on Target 5.1 End all forms of discrimination against women and children everywhere, over the next 15 years…


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CALL FOR SESSIONS: World Data Forum 2018, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 22-24 October 2018

The UN World Data Forum 2018 will take place in Dubai, UAE from 22-24 October 2018, and you can be part of it. 

The Programme Committee of the #UNDataForum 2018 invites you to submit proposals for sessions to be considered for inclusion in the programme. The deadline for submission of session proposals is 31 January 2018.

Please note the proposed programme will be approved by the UN Statistical Commission’s High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building (HLG-PCCB). The Programme Committee or the HLG-PCCB may request revisions to some proposals…

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Sixth meeting of the IAEG-SDGs, 11-14 November, Update 4

Presentation of updated tier system: Tier III indicators re-classified based on advancements in methodology

The following decisions have been made on Tier III indicators, where the methodology is complete, agreed international standards, and metadata and pilot standards are complete. (Those in bold relate to health, gender and / or civil society organizations)

(For update on 5.6.2 please see below)…

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Sixth meeting of the IAEG-SDGs, 11-14 November, Update 3

Presentation of updated tier system for Tier I and Tier II 

Those indicators were announced that have been reclassified from Tier I to Tier II, in cases where they do not meet the requirements for Tier I classification, and from Tier II to Tier I, where advancements have been made. (Those in bold relate to health, gender and civil society organizations)

Tier I to Tier II reclassification

Having reviewed data availability, the IAEG-SDGs has recommended the following indicators for change from Tier I to Tier II:…

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