
UNECE Regional Conference on ICPD+25 - Presentations and Statements

Please be informed that received and confirmed Presentations and Statements given during the Conference are now available on the Conference webpage (

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CSO outcome document for African Regional ICPD+25 meeting

The CSO consultation outcome document (attached in English and French) was adopted unanimously at the Expert Meeting held in Accra, Ghana during the ICPD+25 Regional Review for Africa of the Addis Ababa Declaration on Population and Development (AADPD), 2-5 October 2018.  

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Countries presenting Voluntary National Reviews in 2019

As of 5 October 2018, the follwoing 51 countries have signed up to present their voluntary national reviews (VNRs) at the 2019 High-level Political Forum (HLPF). Those marked with an * are conducting their second VNRs:

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[Open Registration]: Interregional Preparatory Meeting for the MTR of SAMOA Pathway

The Interregional Preparatory Meeting for the Mid Term Review of the SAMOA Pathway will be held in Apia, Samoa, from 30 October to 1stNovember 2018. This Meeting will be preceded by the Interregional Partnerships Dialogue, on 29 October 2018

The Interregional Meeting is being held pursuant to paragraphs 27 and 28 of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 72/217, which reaffirmed the 2016 General Assembly’s decision (A/RES/71/225) to convene a one-day high-level review, at United Nations Headquarters in September 2019,…

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Calling for Applications! CS Forum in advance of the Midterm Review of 2013 Asia Pacific Ministerial Declaration on Population and Development

The Asia-Pacific CSO Forum NAME will be held on 24-25 November 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand.   It serves as a preparatory civil society meeting in advance of the midterm review of the 2013 Asia Pacific Ministerial Declaration on Population and Development, which is being held on 26-28 November 2018 at UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP).

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Civil Society Consultation Statement at UNECE ICPD+25 Conference

Medea Khmelidze of Real People, Real Vision and the Astra Network presented the Civil Society Consultation Statement at the UNECE ICPD+25 Regional Conference on Monday 1 October.  

The statement, which was supported by all participants, focuses on areas such as addressing retrogressive policies, legislation and practices related to sexual and reproductive health and rights; the shrinking space for civil society organizations;…

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Urgent deadline (3 October): Register your interest in participating at the Knowledge Exchange Session with 2019 VNR Countries

As part of the preparatory process for the 2019 Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs), UNDESA is organizing a knowledge exchange session between volunteer countries, UN entities, international organizations and stakeholders to showcase tools, methodologies and approaches that could support the VNR process at national level.

The session will be held on 17 October 2018, from 15:00 – 18:00 at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland...

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Global Day of Action in the SDG Media Zone @UN, 25 Sep 13:00

We have received the following from Action for Sustainable Development

As you may know we mark the 25th September as the Global Day of Action for the SDGs, in partnership with the UN’s SDG Action Campaign and with GCAP. 

Join us on the 25 September! #Act4SDGs

If you are in New York, you are invited to join featured stories of activists from around the world:…

  • 13:00-14:00 on 25 September
  • SDG Media Zone session, directly in front of the UN buildings
  • Speakers include: Achim Steiner, UNDP; Federica Mogherini, European Commission (TBC); Kumi Naidoo, Amnesty International; Namhla Mniki Mangaliso, African Monitor; Jayathma Wickramanayake, UN SG Envoy on Youth and many more…

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The 3rd Regional Conference on Population and Development

The following report was prepared by the International Planned Parenthood Federation-Western Hemisphere Region

The Regional Conference on Population and Development (RCPD), held in Lima, Peru from 7 August to 9 August 9 2018 was the first opportunity for countries to present national reports on implementation of the Montevideo Consensus, as well as for the presentation of a regional report on implementation by ECLAC.  The country reports were surprisingly frank, discussing challenges for implementation, actions taken, and issues they continue to struggle with.  While there is always room for improvement, the RCPD proved conclusively that intergovernmental spaces can function as opportunities for real dialogue, learning, shared challenges, and highlighting critical issues emerging or persisting in the region…

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Montevideo Consensus reaffirmed as road map for action on population and development matters 

The third session of the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean concluded with countries reaffirming the Montevideo Consensus (English/Spanish) as the basis of a comprehensive and strategic road map for national and regional action. 

The Conference, which was held in Lima, Peru, was attended by 192 delegates from 32 of ECLAC’s member countries and one associate member, together with 82 representatives of UN System bodies and intergovernmental organizations, and 320 individuals from civil society…

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