
Analysis of the Major Groups and other stakeholders’ participation in the 2017 and 2018 sessions of the HLPF

The analysis considered the number of statements made by MGoS during the Forum and the General Debate, as well as side events organized by MGoS during the HLPF

To that end we have received the following:…

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2018 Solutions Summit at UNHQ: Submit a project or apply for Selection Committee!


UN Solutions Summit is an annual catalytic gathering at UN Headquarters in New York during UN General Assembly high-level week at the end of September. This initiative lifts up and advances the work of exceptional teams who are already developing innovative solutions that address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The gathering serves as a catalyst to convene resources and talent around solution-makers...

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Dates for ICPD Regional Review Conferences finalized

Meeting/Event Date  Venue 

3rd Regional Conference on Population and Development for
Latin America and the Caribbean


7-10 August 2018

 Lima, Peru

UNECE ICPD Regional Review Meeting


1-2 October 2018


Geneva, Switzerland


Africa Regional Ministerial ICPD Review Conference


2-5 October 2018


Accra, Ghana


Mid-Term Review of the Sixth Asian and Pacific
Population Conference

26-28 Nov 2018


Bangkok, Thailand


High Level ICPD-SDG Regional Review Conference
in the Arab Region


30 Oct-1 Nov 2018


Beirut, Lebanon


(Deadline: 28 Aug) Registration to the organizational session of the Ad hoc open-ended working group established by General Assembly resolution 72/277, 5-7 Sept, UNHQ

We have received the following:

We are pleased to inform you that the organizational session of the Ad hoc open-ended working group, established by General Assembly resolution 72/277 of 10 May 2018 entitled Towards a Global Pact for the Environment will be held at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 5 to 7 September 2018 to examine matters related to the organization of the work of the ad hoc open-ended working group, including the duration and number of its substantive sessions... 


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High Level Political Forum 2018... Leaving no one behind: Are we succeeding? 

Friday, 13 July 2018, 4:30 – 6:30 pm UN Headquarters, Conference Room 4 

Lead Discussant remarks of Sylvia Beales, Gray Panthers/Stakeholder Group on Ageing. 

Ageing is transforming our world. We are all ageing. Older persons are the fastest growing population group globally, reaching 22% by 2050 with 54 percent of that number being women, and almost 60 percent living in urban areas, with 46 per cent those aged 60 years and over living with disabilities. Older people experience complex forms of exclusion and marginalization based on a range of intersecting inequalities that reinforce discriminations based on age, gender and disability…

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NGO MG Statements for Social Media

We have received the following from NGO Major Groups on behalf of Saionara König-Reis, Head of NY Office and Representative to the UN, Dianova International;

Dear NGO MG colleagues,

On behalf of the Social Media Task Team I want to thank you for doing your share in strengthening the NGO MG collective online advocacy efforts before, during and (now) after this HLPF. This year has been particularly effective because of your contributions with messages, videos, likes, shares and statements - THANK YOU and please continue to share.

Now the HLPF is over, but our collective actions are not!…

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Latest on para 16 on Gender Equality in Ministerial Declaration: Women’s Major Group Statement

It is possible that there will be a vote on the gender equality paragraph of the Ministerial Declaration. (See: Letter by the President of ECOSOC transmitting the draft ministerial declaration) To support the paragraph as drafted, the WMG drafted the following statement this morning. It will be adapted and used in their external messaging as well as with their advocacy with Member States…

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What happened at the SDG Media Zone today (16 July)

We have received the following from the SDG Media Zone Team:

To engage people all over the world in the important conversations happening at the High-Level Political Forum, the UN Department of Public Information, in collaboration with its partners, UN Foundation and Public Foundation, has organized the SDG Media Zone from 9-17 July at UN Headquarters…

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Letter by the President of ECOSOC transmitting the draft ministerial declaration

 The attached letter from the President of ECOSOC, H.E. Marie Chatardova has been sent to all Permanent Representatives and Permanent Observers of the United Nations, transmitting the text of the draft ministerial declaration of the 2018 high-level political forum on sustainable development and of the high-level segment of the 2018 session of the Council (also attached)...

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REVISED Information for Major Groups and other stakeholders

We have received the following from DESA-OISC:

Please check the revised Information Note for MGoS attending the HLPF. It includes more detailed information on gallery tickets and the MGoS morning briefings during the second week.

It can also be found at https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/hlpf/2018#registration.

Please encourage your colleagues to review this document carefully.