
Invitation to #SRHRAccounTable Campaign!

We have received the following:

Dear friends, colleagues, advocates and fellow SRHR activists!

We welcome you to participate in a social media campaign for the last of the 2018 regional ICPD reviews - the midterm review of the  2013 Asian and  Pacific Ministerial Declaration on Population and Development.   

Join us in asking Asia Pacific governments to be #SRHRAccounTable to their commitments to realizing the sexual and reproductive health and rights of all people in our region!  Post/Tweet your messages or a photo of you with your message using the hashtag #SRHRAccounTable, from now until 28 November!

Please tag @youth_coalition and/or @AsiaPacAlliance so that we can amplify your submissions.  See the attached posters for some sample tweets and messages, or better yet, send your own! We welcome messages of solidarity from all corners of the globe :)

** Attachments: 2 posters about the #SRHRAccounTable Campaign, and one sample photo

On behalf of the team

Youth Coalition, APA, APCOM


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