
The World at Seven Billion TOP ISSUES – UNFPA FACT SHEETS

The World at Seven Billion


Overview: Seven Billion People – Counting on Each Other

This global milestone is both a great opportunity and a great challenge.

Poverty and Inequality: Breaking the Cycle

Reducing poverty and inequality also slows population growth.

Women and Girls: Empowerment and Progress

Unleashing the power of women and girls will accelerate progress on all fronts.

Young People: Forging the Future

Energetic and open to new technologies, history’s largest and most interconnected population of young people is transforming global politics and culture.

Reproductive Health and Rights: The Facts of Life

Ensuring that every child is wanted, and every childbirth safe, leads to smaller and stronger families.

Environment: Healthy Planet, Healthy People

All 7 billion of us, and those who will follow, depend on the health of our planet.

Ageing: An Unprecedented Challenge

Lower fertility and longer lives add up to a new challenge worldwide: ageing populations.

Urbanization: Planning for Growth

The next two billion people will live in cities, so we need to plan for them now. 


The fact sheet can be downloaded, in its entirety, from here


7 Billion Milestone.

Column by Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, UNFPA Executive Director, on the 7 Billion milestone, published in the Financial Times (18 October). 

The PDF is available here for download. 


ICPD Beyond 2014 Operational Review: A concept note on the Global Survey  

General Assembly Resolution 65/234 on the follow-up to the ICPD beyond 2014 calls on UNFPA, in cooperation with all relevant organizations of the UN system and other relevant international organizations, to “undertake an operational review of the implementation of the Programme of Action (PoA) on the basis of the highest-quality data and analysis of the state of population and development, taking into account the need for a systematic, comprehensive and integrated approach to population and development issues”.

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Enabling resolution A/65/234 for ICPD at 20 and ICPD beyond 2014  

The adoption at the 65th Session of the General Assembly of resolution A/65/234 in December 2010 marked the start of the process towards the 20-year review of the implementation of the Programme of Action (PoA) for the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), which will culminate in the Special Session of the 69th Session of the General Assembly. It also provides the focus for ICPD beyond 2014.

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UNFPA Welcomes Extension of ICPD Programme of Action Beyond 2014

UNITED NATIONS, New York—UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, today welcomed a decision by the United Nations General Assembly to extend the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) beyond 2014.

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Summary of the Programme of Action

The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) was held in Cairo, Egypt, from 5 to 13 September 1994. Delegations from 179 States took part in negotiations to finalize a Programme of Action on population and development for the next 20 years.

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