
Stakeholders consultations for Africa

CEDPA reports that the civil society organization consultations for Africa, held Accra, Ghana, which were the first in a series of regional stakeholder meetings "went well"

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UK Gov with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to host Family Planning Summit

The UK Government is working with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and partners to host a Family Planning summit in London in July 2012.

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UNFPA to hold Civil Society Stakeholder consultations in Ghana

The United Nations Population Fund’s Civil Society Stakeholder consultations will take place on Monday [12 March] in Accra, Ghana, along with the first global review for the implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development’s Programme of Action (ICPD).

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Regional Consultations for Latin American and Caribbean Region (2012)

2012 Regional Consultations for Latin American and Caribbean Region on Beyond ICPD and the MDGs: NGOs Strategising for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region

  • Anglo, Dutch and French Caribbean 12-13 April, Jamaica
  • Latin American, including Spanish-speaking Caribbean 9-10 May 2012, Uruguay

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    DAWN-RESURJ 'Call to Action Towards Cairo+20' videos

    "In the context of the current global economic and ecological crisis, and cutbacks in funding, there is a growing concern whether SRHR and gender equality may be relegated to the policy back-burner. Full recognition and realization of women's sexual and reproductive rights are therefore at stake, requiring new strategies to develop and advance a new agenda for SRHR beyond 2015.

    JOIN US in disseminating the DAWN-RESURJ 'Call to Action Towards Cairo+20' videos by young feminists from different constituencies and networks across the South and together, let us reclaim OUR RIGHTS, OUR LIVES, now and for the future!

    To view the videos, visit our website or Facebook page

    Stay linked to DAWN!"



    ARROW: Asia-Pacific regional meeting

    The Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre (ARROW) is organising an Asia-Pacific regional meeting on 2-4 May 2012 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with the objective of addressing the critical sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) issues that are inter-linked to broader developmental as well as region-specific pertinent issues of Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health, Poverty, Climate Change, Displacements and Migration, Food Security and Religious Extremism, in the lead up to defining the development agenda post 2014-2015.

    The above issues were identified based on the synthesis of a region-wide survey among NGO stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region in 2011.

    The survey also highlighted that more needed to be done in this region before women are fully able to realise their SRHR. The meeting sets out to define and discuss the comprehensive SRHR agenda of the Asia-Pacific region, will chart the avenues for advocacy and effective engagement for NGOs in addition to equipping NGOs with necessary advocacy skills to facilitate their active engagement in all processes leading up to defining the development agenda post 2014-2015.

    For more information write to: and


    Vote now for the Women Deliver 100 list. 

    Every year, in conjunction with International Women’s Day, Women Deliver celebrates the progress made on behalf of girls and women worldwide. In 2011, the Women Deliver 100 list featured 100 of the most inspiring people who have delivered for girls and women.

    This year, to continue the momentum, Women Deliver is spotlighting the top 50 inspiring ideas and solutions that deliver for girls and women. 

    Out of hundreds of submissions, a selection committee of experts and advocates from leading global NGOs and foundations chose 25 per category. 

    Now, it's up to you to vote and choose the 50 winners – voting closes on March 2nd at 6pm EST! 
    The winners will be announced on March 7th.



    Voting begins today on Women Deliver’s Facebook page

    Voting begins today on Women Deliver’s Facebook page to determine the top 50 inspiring ideas and solutions that deliver for girls and women. Out of hundreds of submissions, a selection committee of experts and advocates from leading global NGOs and foundations chose 25 per category. The top 125 will be posted today, and voters may choose their 10 favorites, per category. The 50 winners will be announced on International Women’s Day, March 8th.

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    Women Deliver announces scholarships. 

    Women Deliver has announced that the application process for Under 30 Scholarships for young women from the Global South to attend the Women Deliver Global Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 28-30 May 2013 is now open.

    The deadline for all scholarships is 15 April 2012 (12pm EST), with no exceptions. For further information follow this link


    ICPD Beyond 2014 website launched

    "ICPD Beyond 2014 is the official website for the UNFPA-led global review process of the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action. This site details the progress of the Cairo vision to improve the lives of all people. ICPD Beyond 2014 aims to consolidate comprehensive information and personal reflections about the continuing relevance of the PoA. The site is open for engagement and contributions from our partners, stakeholders, and the general public."

    The site includes information about the Young Parliamentarians Meeting as well as a recent interview of Francois Farah, the UNFPA Representative in Romania and Country Director for Moldova, Serbia and Macedonia entitled ‘Human Dignity has no Timeline’.

    Please visit the ICPD Beyond 2014 website at