
Next steps for the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda

In New York in the wings of the UN General Assembly meetings, the members of the High-Level Panel (HLP) held their first meeting and with several members of the Panel also meeting with civil society. The HLP agreed to hold substantive meetings in London from 31 October to 2 November and in Monrovia, Liberia and Bali, Indonesia (dates to be confirmed). It is expected that the discussions in London will focus on household poverty; national development in Monrovia; and global partnerships in Bali.

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On-line conversation begins on Gender-Based Violence in Addressing Inequalities

The online conversation on Gender-Based Violence, 
facilitated by co-moderators from the United Nations and civil society organizations, began on 17 October in the Addressing Inequalities Section of the World We Want website. It will continue for approximately three weeks. 

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Thematic Consultation on Population Dynamics (including ageing, international and internal migration and urbanisation)

Population dynamics including ageing, international and internal migration and urbanization, is the topic for one of the thematic consultations, being held as part of the development of the Post-2015 development agenda. The lead organizations for the consultation are the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and UN-Habitat, in close collaboration with the Population Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and with contributions of WPF, ILO, FAO, UN Women, OHCHR, and UNDP. An Expert Group Meeting is planned, to be held in New York, 19-20 November 2012. Online consultations are being planned to ensure a multitude of voices being heard, including from Governments, civil society, the private sector, academia, the UN system and the general public. The Global Consultation is envisioned to culminate in a High Level Leadership meeting to take place in the first quarter of 2013, that will bring together high-level officials from governments, civil society, UN partners, members of the Secretary-General’s High Level Panel and members of the Open Working Group on the SDGs to discuss the synthesized results and findings of the consultation process to date and which will put forward a statement and recommendations on how to address population dynamics in the Post-2015 development agenda.

Insofar as the Thematic Think Piece on Population Dynamics specifically addresses Access to reproductive health and protection of reproductive rights, NGOs may wish to urge that the agenda include discussion of these as they relate to the topics for the consultation.


Call for proposals from civil society organizations to host consultation meeting(s) on health in the post-2015 agenda  

A call for proposals from civil society organizations to host consultation meeting(s) on health in the post-2015 agenda has been announced on the World We Want 2015 website


The Governments of Sweden and Botswana, working with WHO and UNICEF, will take the leadership and overall steering of the thematic consultation on health.

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Beyond 2015 Consultation on the impact of conflict, violence and disaster on long Term development — Call for feedback

International Alert is coordinating the Beyond 2015 position paper for the UN Thematic Consultation on conflict, violence & disaster. Comment etc to the draft that has been developed with the draft are invited until Monday, October 15th. The paper will be used by the United Nations as the basis for three regional meetings in Asia, Africa and Latin America and to contributing to the dialogue between the UN system and local civil society at them. It will remain as an Interim Position Paper for Beyond 2015 until signed off by the coalition’s Executive Committee. 

Post-2015 Consultation on Education

Regional consultations

Regional consultations are planned leading up to a global meeting which will probably be held in Senegal in mid-February 2013.

The first regional consultation will take place in Sharm-el-Sheikh from 16-19 October and the regional consultation for the Africa Region will be held in Johannesburg from 16-20 October. Other consultations are planned for the Asia and Pacific and Europe/North American Regions but the dates are undecided. They will all take place in the context of the Education for All (EFA) reviews. Further information should be available from UNESCO or UNICEF Country Offices.

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Global Consultation on Governance & the Post-2015 Framework

The global thematic consultation on Governance and the Post-2015 Framework, co-convened by UNDP and OHCHR, in partnership with the Government of Germany, has begun on the World We Want 2015 website. It is “an open and inclusive forum for civil society, policy makers, government officials, donors, UN staff and all other stakeholders to discuss the scope and priorities of a post-2015 development agenda.”

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Drafting a Beyond 2015 Position Paper on Health in the Post-2015 UN Development agenda

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) has been identified by Beyond 2015 as the focal point for the coordination of the drafting of a position paper for the consultation on health and further information is available on the MMI website on the process and process for submitting a position paper, including key references, and  ‘let us know’ and submissions mechanisms for inclusion in the  in the drafting process. 

It is clearly important that civil society organizations that are concerned about sexual and reproductive health and rights make input into the Health consultation processes. 


Update on Global Consultation on Health and the Post-2015 Development Agenda 

The platform for the Global Consultation on Health and the Post-2015 Development Agenda provides an open and inclusive consultation space to discuss the role of health in the post 2015 development agenda. It is hoped that the consultation will draw a representative cross section of views and start to build consensus in five key areas:  

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Further information: Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

The on-line discussion on ‘Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2105 Development Agenda’ has already begun with started with the aim of reviewing progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in terms of major inequalities and discussing the options for ensuring that these inequalities are effectively addressed in a new development framework after 2015.

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