
Growth and Employment in the Post-2015 Development Agenda  

The Growth and Employment in the Post-2015 Development Agenda thematic consultation has begun with the posting of articles and key documents for the conference on this topic that took place in Tokyo, on 15-16 May 2012, co-organized by UNDP and ILO and hosted by the Government of Japan.

The meeting focused on growth, structural transformation and employment and brought together about 80 participants from research and academia, civil society, governments, trade unions, private sector, and international organizations from around the world. The participants in this meeting agreed that in contrast to the past decades, which have witnessed a tension between the growth agenda and the social agenda, the new agenda should put growth and employment at the centre, but should keep sight of the broader objective of improving human well-being.

To download key documents, blogs and articles and view videos related to the topics of the conference pleace visit the World We Want 2015 website (

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