
Summit of the Future No 39: Letter from Co-facilitators releasing Rev 2 of the Pact for the Future

In their letter of 17 July, the Co-facilitators for the Pact for the Future, Ambassadors Antje Leendertse of Germany and Neville M Gertze of Namibia, have provided information on the processes for the negotiations on the enclosed Rev 2 of the Pact for the Future

Their letter sets out the road-map for the negotiations on Rev 2, which has been prepared based on feedback received during the third reading, following its conclusion with an Ambassadorial-level meeting on 27 June. In Rev 2, they “have sought to maintain the structure, tone, and level of ambition of the Pact”, with adjustments being made to the text “with a view to bridging differences”.

The negotiations on Rev 2 will begin with closed informal Ambassadorial-level consultations on Monday 29 July and also Tuesday 30 July (if required). These will provide an opportunity for initial comments and “a focused negotiation on the Chapeau.”  

There will be a Virtual Informal Consultation with Member States and Stakeholders on 31 July, 10 am – 1 pm. After this expert-level consultations will begin on the five chapters. 

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