
Summit of the Future No 38: Rev 2 of Declaration on Future Generations 

Rev 2 of the Declaration on Future Generations (DOFG) follows the same format as Rev 1, namely Preamble, Guiding Principles, Commitments and Actions.

A number of areas have been strengthened, including on the 2030 Agenda, the SDG Political Declaration and the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (para 3); ensuring that present generations act with responsibility for safeguarding the needs and interests of future generations and understanding the interconnectedness of past, present and future (paras 6 & 7); and the importance of promoting, protecting, respecting and fulfilling human rights (para 13). A paragraph is also included on the requirement of the elimination of racism racial discrimination etc for a prosperous and sustainable future (para 20).

As far as the commitments are concerned, para 23 on gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls has been strengthened as has para 26 on the rights of Indigenous Peoples and para 28 on climate justice.  Paras 32 and 33 on education and health are also stronger, although there is still no inclusion under health of sexual and reproductive health and rights. In general in Rev 2 there is a stronger focus on evidence-base, and data, science and statistics

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