Summit of the Future No 4: Civil society involvement

As stated in Summit of the Future No 1, the role of civil society in the process for the Summit of the Future (SOTF) has been included from the beginning, (resolution 76/307) and is in line with processes for special sessions etc of the UN General Assembly held in previous years.
Organizations in consultative status may participate in the Summit, in accordance with relevant General Assembly rules and procedures. The President of the General Assembly (PGA) will draw up a list of other relevant civil society organizations, academic institutions and the private sector, who have requested to participate. This will be considered by Member States on a “non-objection basis”, (meaning that if no Member State objects the organization etc will be approved).
The resolution also says that CSOs may participate in the interactive dialogues (presumably at the Summit itself). Member States and others are also encouraged to “facilitate the participation of youth in the Summit. In addition “…major groups and other stakeholders [are encouraged] to participate and engage in the preparatory process of the Summit.” This is in line with the processes for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Letter from co-facilitators
In their letter of 13 November, the Permanent Representatives of Germany and Namibia, Ambassadors Antje Leendertse and Neville Gertze said that the PGA had invited them to ensure that “all relevant stakeholders participate and engage meaningfully in the consultation” for the preparatory process for the Summit of the Future.
The co-facilitators, in accordance with mandates as set out in resolution 76/307 and decision 77/568, should “facilitate open, transparent and inclusive intergovernmental consultations on the preparatory process” for the Summit, while “allow[ing] adequate time for negotiations on the Pact for the Future.”
Virtual consultation for MGoS and CSOs, 13 December 2023
Meanwhile, as the intergovernmental negotiations for December are closed, the co-facilitators have arranged for a virtual consultation for major group and other stakeholders (MGoS) and civil society on 13 December 2023 from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm and from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm (if needed) New York time. This will provide an opportunity for MGoS and representatives of CSOs to “share their overall views and expectations for the Summit and to offer concrete suggestions for the zero draft of its outcome document, the pact for the Future…”
In preparing their interventions, MGoS and CSOs “are encouraged to reflect on the scope of the Summit, as set out in decision 77/568, and the co-facilitators letter of 30 August 2023 to the PGA.
The sequence of speakers is as follows:
- Co-chairs of Coordinating Mechanism of MGoS (max 5 mins)
- Representatives of individual MGoS, CSO coalition and groups (max 3 mins each)
- Representatives of individual NGOs, expert groups, private sector and other stakeholders (max 2 mins)
During the session the co-facilitators “will also outline procedural milestones and provide modalities for the active engagement and participation of MGoS and civil society throughout the preparations for the Summit…”
MGoS and CSO representatives can also submit “written inputs for the preparation of the zero draft of the Pact for the Future,” via the Summit of the Future (link) website. The deadline will be 31 December 2023. Member States and observers are also invited to join the meeting.
UN Civil Society Conference
At the next UN Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, Kenya in May 2024, the focus will be the Summit of the Future and its outcomes could provide “consolidated input for Member States’ consideration for the Pact for the Future.
Together with other initiatives of the UN Secretary-General, the PGA and “the independent initiatives already proactively undertaken by numerous MGoS, civil society, youth and other organizations in support of the Summit” the above “will enable meaningful contributions to both the preparations for the Summit and the Summit itself.”