Summit of the Future No 3: Preparatory process and Member States involvement

Following the adoption of General Assembly decision 77/568, the Ambassadors of Germany and Namibia, as the co-facilitators, within their mandate “to facilitate open, transparent and inclusive intergovernmental consultations on the preparatory process” for the Summit while “allow[ing] adequate time for negotiations on the Pact for the Future,” have begun the preparatory process leading to the Summit of the Future (SOTF).
Informal consultations for Member States were held on 9 November 2023, so that the co-facilitators could outline the approach, timeline and plans for consultations over the coming months. Delegations made brief, general statements, as did the co-facilitators for the Global Digital Compact and Declaration on Future Generations processes also attended the meeting.
Closed informal consultations will be held in December to allow the co-facilitators to hear directly from Member States on the substantive issues that they would wish to see reflected in the Pact for the Future on a chapter-by-chapter basis.
Timetable for consultations
Process for consultations
“…member States and observers will be invited to deliver a single statement covering the topics under consideration and the issues that they would like to see reflected in the zero draft.” Statements made on behalf of groups can be five mins and those in national capacity three minutes.
In preparing statements, Member States should reflect on the scope of the Summit (Decision 77/568) and the co-facilitators letter to the PGA of 30 August 2023 (annex 2 as included in SOTF No 2), stated during the 99th meeting of the GA 77th session.
When their topics are being considered the co-facilitators for the Global Digital Compact and Declaration on Future Generations will join the meetings. In the meantime, the SOTF co-facilitators will work closely with them and will ensure that no meetings will be held in parallel as set out in GA decision 77/568 para (e).
Member States and observers are also invited to submit written input to the Pact for the Future, up to 31 December 2023.
The zero draft of the Pact for the Future will be circulated in early 2024, and once Member States “have had an opportunity to reflect on this draft”, negotiations will begin. Further information on the structure of the negotiations would be shared at the 9 November meeting.