
7th meeting of the IAEG-SDGs: UPDATE 9

Proposed plan of work for additional indicators 

Thirty-seven possible additional indicators have been identified by the IAEG-SDGs members to monitor 33 targets, as they felt that some aspects of the targets were not adequately monitored with the existing indicators. There will be an open consultation on possible indicators by the end of 2018. It should be noted that new tier III indicators will not be considered.

Additional indicator proposals

(Those related to SDG on health are emboldened. There is none for SDG 5 on gender equality and women’s empowerment)

Target 1.a International cooperation for education, health and social protection

Target 2.2 Anaemia among women of reproductive age

Target 2.a An indicator to measure the element of the target on private investment

Target 3.4 Treatment coverage for individuals with depression

Target 3.5 Psychoactive substance abuse

Target 3.6 Injuries from road traffic accidents

Target 3.9 (1) Illnesses attributed to household and ambient air pollution; (2) Illnesses attributed to unsafe water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene (exposure to unsafe wash services); (3) Illnesses attributed to unintentional poisoning

Target 3.b Private and not-for-profit investment in medical research and basic health services 

Target 3.c Health workforce

Target 4.1 (1) The number of children not in school; (2) The number of guaranteed years of free and compulsory education mandated by law

Target 4.b Additional sources of funding for scholarships aside from ODA, including private sources

Target 6.4 The number of individuals who experience water stress or water shortages

Target 7.1 Affordability of electricity

Target 8.5 An indicator on additional aspects of decent work

Target 8.7 Prevalence of forced labour

Target 8.9 An indicator on sustainable tourism plans / programmes

Target 8.10 An indicator on access to social insurance

Target 9.2 An indicator that addresses the “inclusive and sustainable qualifications of industrialization”

Target 10.2 An indicator that addresses political inclusion for all

Target 10.3 An indicator on legal frameworks that enforce and monitor equality and non-discrimination

Target 10.4 An indicator on economic inequality

Target 10.7 Deaths, injuries and crimes committed against migrants

Target 12.4 An indicator on legal agreements regarding hazardous waste and whether countries adequately fulfil their commitments and obligations regarding each agreement

Target 12.6 An indicator that addresses the “sustainable practices” element of the target

Target 14.4 Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing

Target 14.7 (1) The economic impact of sustainable fisheries, aquaculture, tourism and other coastal and marine resources uses; (2) The productivity of aquaculture

Target 15.a Private sources of funding for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems

Target 16.3 An indicator that measures access to civil justice

Target 16.6 An indicator that measures trust in different public institutions

Target 16.10 An indicator that measures other fundamental freedoms

Target 17.6 Total international flows for research and development

Target 17.8 International cooperation for science, technology and information and communications technology

Target 17.19 An indicator that measures additional measures of progress on sustainable development that complement GDP

Timeline for additional indicator proposals:

Apr – Oct 2018 IAEG-SDGs will review the current list of 37 possible additional indicators

Nov 2018 IAEG-SDGs will determine which should be included in an open consultation at the 8th meeting.

By end of 2018 an open consultation on the proposed possible additional indicator will be launched

Mar 2019 Final result for review at 9th meeting

Dec 2019 Inclusion in the final 2020 comprehensive review proposal

Criteria for additional indicators


  • An additional indicator may be considered when an aspect or part of a target is not being adequately monitored by the current indicator
  • Any proposal for specific additional indicators should directly address the identified aspects of targets included above
  • All indicator proposals must have an agreed methodology and some amount of data collection must currently be taking place. (Tier III indicator proposals will not be considered)
  • The final list of additional indicators should be limited in scope so as to not dramatically increase the reporting burden on countries


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