
Outcome document from the Nexus Conference

We have received the following message from Felix Dodds, Co-director of the 2018 Nexus Conference – Food-Water-Energy-Climate-Urban:  

Dear Friends, 

Here is the copy of the outcome document from the Nexus Conference held at University of North Carolina, USA, last week. At the front is the shorter Nexus Key Messages and the longer document which people input to. 

I hope you will share with your networks and promote the inclusion of some of the recommendations in the Ministerial Declaration for the HLPF. 

Its clear to us that the conference showed how much the idea of the Nexus has taken root and we will as we said be developing some ideas on a possible journal for the Nexus. We will keep you abreast of this as things develop. If any of you are interested in helping frame the concept note please do contact us.

Felix Dodds 
Co-director of the 2018 Nexus Conference – Food-Water-Energy-Climate-Urban 

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